Fabric BI Upgrade on Linux

ExagoBI periodically released new versions. The following article describes the process of the ExagoBI upgrade for the existing BI implementation.


Working installation of Fabric BI previous version.

Upgrading Linux

  1. Download the ExagoBI installer: ExagoInstaller_vXXX.X.X.XXX.tgz from here into a temporary directory.

  2. Download the the K2View additional files and upgrade script from here into a temporary directory.

  3. Open a CLI, move to the temporary directory and extract the downloaded file by running the following command as a user with root permissions:

   tar -zxvf exago_upgrader.tar.gz
  1. Run the installation script with 2 variables: the installation folder /opt/apps/exago and the ExagoBI installation file name. In the example, the installation filename is: ExagoInstaller_v2021.1.15.239.
   ./k2view_exago_upgrade.sh /opt/apps/exago ExagoInstaller_v2021.1.15.239

Note: the Exago installation folder name /opt/apps/exago is case-sensitive.

  1. Restart the Apache web server.

Fabric BI Upgrade on Linux

ExagoBI periodically released new versions. The following article describes the process of the ExagoBI upgrade for the existing BI implementation.


Working installation of Fabric BI previous version.

Upgrading Linux

  1. Download the ExagoBI installer: ExagoInstaller_vXXX.X.X.XXX.tgz from here into a temporary directory.

  2. Download the the K2View additional files and upgrade script from here into a temporary directory.

  3. Open a CLI, move to the temporary directory and extract the downloaded file by running the following command as a user with root permissions:

   tar -zxvf exago_upgrader.tar.gz
  1. Run the installation script with 2 variables: the installation folder /opt/apps/exago and the ExagoBI installation file name. In the example, the installation filename is: ExagoInstaller_v2021.1.15.239.
   ./k2view_exago_upgrade.sh /opt/apps/exago ExagoInstaller_v2021.1.15.239

Note: the Exago installation folder name /opt/apps/exago is case-sensitive.

  1. Restart the Apache web server.