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The TDM 9.2 Official Release

TDM 9.2 has just been released and it includes the following new features/capabilities:

  • Vertical execution mode: Introducing an additional execution mode for TDM tasks, where instead of executing system by system (where all entities are processed in one system before moving on to the next system in the hierarchy), the vertical execution processes the complete LU hierarchy for each root entity before moving on to the next root entity. This execution mode is particularly useful when running TDM tasks on a large scale of entities as it ensures better cross-systems data consistency and data alignment.

  • Filter out reserved entities enhancements: Enabling the user to filter out all reserved entities from the task's entities, including the ones reserved by the task executor.

  • Display Business Names for Task’s Parameters: Omitting the Logical Unit (LU) name from the business parameter names that appear in the list of business parameters in the sub-setting of TDM task. The display of the previous parameter's name along with the LU name - is supported as well.

  • AI-based Synthetic Entities improvements: Improving the identification of logical relationships between distant tables, namely, tables that are not linked with Primary Key/Foreign Key relation.

  • Bug fixes.

To get the full list of features and fixes, refer to the Release Notes and Upgrade Procedure to 9.2.


The TDM 9.1 Official Release

TDM 9.1 has just been released and it includes the following new features/capabilities:

  • Parameters Coupling, the previous versions, until now, were able to support isolated business parameters in a param search. However, per the newly added *parameters coupling* capability, multiple parameters can be taken into account and joined, for an optimized param search that leads to intersection finding.
  • Table Level Task Enhancements, supporting custom logic on selected tables. A custom flow can be added to extract, load or delete of a table.
  • Adding Input Parameters for Pre and Post Execution Processes, enabling the task creator to send input parameters to the task’s pre and/or post execution processes.

To get the full list of features and fixes, refer to the Release Notes and Upgrade Procedure to 9.1.


The Fabric 8.1 Official Release

We are happy to announce that Fabric 8.1.0 has just been released and it includes the following:

  • The Catalog masking actors have been enhanced to mask sensitive data within complex structures, when data is stored in Fabric or provisioned to target database.
  • The Discovery now supports parsing of arrays. In addition, split and combine Catalog artifacts is now supported, which helps combining outputs of several teams.
  • Broadway now includes new actors and editors to interact with LLM.
  • In the Web Studio, the LU Schema creation has been enhanced to create multiple populations for the same LU table in case of multiple parents or multiple FKs.
  • The Configuration tab has been added in the Admin which enables changing the config.ini file.
  • AWS Secret Manager, supports now access by IAM role/service account, instead of providing access ID and secret.
  • The Batch can run now on instances from a Broadway flow, listening to a message queue.
  • Fabric now supports system DB secrets stored in external Secret Manager.

To get the full list of features and fixes, refer to the Release Notes and Upgrade Procedure to 8.1.
