
Fabric Space Upgrade and Rollback Procedure

This document details the upgrade and rollback procedure for upgrading the Fabric application that runs on a Kubernetes cluster. Here's the updated upgrade and rollback procedure for the Fabric application running on Kubernetes. Step 1 has been modified to include a command that lists the fabric-deployment, container versions, and their state.

Upgrade Procedure for Fabric on Kubernetes

Note: This procedure is valid for only minor upgrades or all versions above 8.0. Major upgrades may require additional steps like schema migrations, configuration changes, or downtime planning. Always consult regarding the specific upgrade documentation for major version changes.


  • Ensure you have kubectl access to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Back up existing configuration and data as required.
  • Check that the code is correctly committed and pushed to the Git repository.
  • Verify the current state of the deployment and pods.

Step 1: Check the Current Status of the Fabric Deployment/Statefulset

  1. Run the following command to list the fabric-deployment, including container versions and their state in the space-k2view namespace:
   kubectl get deployment fabric-deployment -n space-k2view -o=custom-columns=',READY:.status.readyReplicas,AVAILABLE:.status.availableReplicas,IMAGE:.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image'


   kubectl get statefulset fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view -o=custom-columns=',READY:.status.readyReplicas,AVAILABLE:.status.availableReplicas,IMAGE:.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image'

This command outputs the deployment's name, the number of ready and available replicas, and the current image version of the container.

  1. Identify the current running deployment/statefulset, pods, and replica sets based on the output.

Step 2: Check the Current Version of the Deployment

  1. In order to check which version of the Fabric deployment is currently running, use the following command with a filter to display the image version:
   kubectl get deployment fabric-deployment -n space-k2view -o=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}'


   kubectl get statefulset fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view -o=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}'

This command will output the current image version used by the deployment.

Step 3: Update the Deployment Image

  1. Use the kubectl set image command to update the deployment with the new image version:
   kubectl set image deployment/fabric-deployment fabric-container=<new-image>:<tag> -n space-k2view


   kubectl set image statefulset/fabric-statefulset fabric-container=<new-image>:<tag> -n space-k2view

Replace the <new-image>:<tag> string with the specific image name and tag for the new version.

  1. Verify the image update by checking the rollout status:
   kubectl rollout status deployment/fabric-deployment -n space-k2view


   kubectl rollout status statefulset/fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view

Step 4: Verify the Upgrade

  1. Check the status of the new pods to ensure they are running correctly:
   kubectl get pods -n space-k2view

Step 5: Verify Web Functionality

  1. Verify that Fabric is functioning as expected:

    • Access the Web and generate a piece of test code to ensure that it operates correctly.
  2. Check that the generated code is committed and pushed to the Git repository:

    • Navigate to the relevant Git repository and verify the presence of the latest commits.
    • Confirm that the commits correspond to the generated code from Web.

Rollback Procedure for Fabric on Kubernetes

If the upgrade fails or if any issues are being encountered, follow the steps below to roll back to the previous version.

Step 1: Rollback to the Previous Version

  1. Use the following command to initiate a rollback to the previous deployment version:
   kubectl rollout undo deployment/fabric-deployment -n space-k2view


   kubectl rollout undo statefulset/fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view
  1. Verify the rollback status:
   kubectl rollout status deployment/fabric-deployment -n space-k2view


   kubectl rollout status staetfulset/fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view

Step 2: Verify the Rollback

  1. Check the status of the pods to ensure they are running the previous stable version:
   kubectl get pods -n space-k2view
  1. Confirm that Fabric is functioning as expected following the rollback:

    • Generate/Run a code on the web and verify its functionality.
  2. Confirm that the application is functioning as expected following the rollback.

Note: After performing either an upgrade or a rollback, document the actions taken and validate the application's functionality thoroughly before proceeding with further steps.

General Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues during the upgrade or the rollback process, consider the following general troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check Logs: Review the logs of the Fabric deployment for any error messages or warnings:
   kubectl logs deployment/fabric-deployment -n space-k2view


   kubectl logs statefulset/fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view
  1. Inspect Events: Use Kubernetes events to identify potential issues with pods, deployments, or other resources:
   kubectl get events -n space-k2view --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
  1. Resource Status: Validate the status of related resources such as services, config maps, and persistent volume claims, ensuring they are functioning correctly:
   kubectl get svc,configmap,pvc -n space-k2view
  1. Network Connectivity: Ensure that there are no network issues or blocked connections affecting Fabric's ability to operate properly. This can include checking network policies, service endpoints, and DNS resolutions within the cluster.

  2. Check Pod Health: Use the describe command to get detailed information about pod failures or restarts:

   kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n space-k2view
  1. Resource Limits and Requests: Review the resource limits and requests for Fabric pods to ensure they are not being throttled or evicted due to insufficient resources.

  2. Cluster Health: Ensure the overall health of the Kubernetes cluster is good, and there are no node issues, resource shortages, or other factors that could affect the deployment.

  3. Contact Support: If issues persist, consider reaching out to support with the relevant logs, steps taken, and any specific errors encountered.

Appendix: ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding Configuration

To ensure that the user running the kubectl commands has the necessary permissions, the following ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding configurations should be applied.

ClusterRole Configuration

Create or update a ClusterRole named fabric--manager with the required permissions by saving the following configuration in a file named fabric--clusterrole.yaml:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: fabric--manager
  - apiGroups: ["", "apps"]
      - pods
      - pods/exec
      - deployments
      - replicasets
      - services
      - configmaps
      - persistentvolumeclaims
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - create
      - delete
      - deletecollection
      - patch
      - update
      - edit
  - apiGroups: ["apps"]
      - deployments/rollback
      - deployments/scale
      - update
  - apiGroups: ["extensions"]
      - replicasets
      - delete

Apply the ClusterRole configuration:

kubectl apply -f fabric--clusterrole.yaml

ClusterRoleBinding Configuration

Bind the ClusterRole to the user executing the kubectl commands. Create or update the ClusterRoleBinding by saving the following configuration in a file named fabric--clusterrolebinding.yaml:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: fabric--manager-binding
  - kind: User
    name: <username>  # Replace with the actual username
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: fabric--manager

Apply the ClusterRoleBinding configuration:

kubectl apply -f fabric--clusterrolebinding.yaml


Fabric Space Upgrade and Rollback Procedure

This document details the upgrade and rollback procedure for upgrading the Fabric application that runs on a Kubernetes cluster. Here's the updated upgrade and rollback procedure for the Fabric application running on Kubernetes. Step 1 has been modified to include a command that lists the fabric-deployment, container versions, and their state.

Upgrade Procedure for Fabric on Kubernetes

Note: This procedure is valid for only minor upgrades or all versions above 8.0. Major upgrades may require additional steps like schema migrations, configuration changes, or downtime planning. Always consult regarding the specific upgrade documentation for major version changes.


  • Ensure you have kubectl access to the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Back up existing configuration and data as required.
  • Check that the code is correctly committed and pushed to the Git repository.
  • Verify the current state of the deployment and pods.

Step 1: Check the Current Status of the Fabric Deployment/Statefulset

  1. Run the following command to list the fabric-deployment, including container versions and their state in the space-k2view namespace:
   kubectl get deployment fabric-deployment -n space-k2view -o=custom-columns=',READY:.status.readyReplicas,AVAILABLE:.status.availableReplicas,IMAGE:.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image'


   kubectl get statefulset fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view -o=custom-columns=',READY:.status.readyReplicas,AVAILABLE:.status.availableReplicas,IMAGE:.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image'

This command outputs the deployment's name, the number of ready and available replicas, and the current image version of the container.

  1. Identify the current running deployment/statefulset, pods, and replica sets based on the output.

Step 2: Check the Current Version of the Deployment

  1. In order to check which version of the Fabric deployment is currently running, use the following command with a filter to display the image version:
   kubectl get deployment fabric-deployment -n space-k2view -o=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}'


   kubectl get statefulset fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view -o=jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[0].image}'

This command will output the current image version used by the deployment.

Step 3: Update the Deployment Image

  1. Use the kubectl set image command to update the deployment with the new image version:
   kubectl set image deployment/fabric-deployment fabric-container=<new-image>:<tag> -n space-k2view


   kubectl set image statefulset/fabric-statefulset fabric-container=<new-image>:<tag> -n space-k2view

Replace the <new-image>:<tag> string with the specific image name and tag for the new version.

  1. Verify the image update by checking the rollout status:
   kubectl rollout status deployment/fabric-deployment -n space-k2view


   kubectl rollout status statefulset/fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view

Step 4: Verify the Upgrade

  1. Check the status of the new pods to ensure they are running correctly:
   kubectl get pods -n space-k2view

Step 5: Verify Web Functionality

  1. Verify that Fabric is functioning as expected:

    • Access the Web and generate a piece of test code to ensure that it operates correctly.
  2. Check that the generated code is committed and pushed to the Git repository:

    • Navigate to the relevant Git repository and verify the presence of the latest commits.
    • Confirm that the commits correspond to the generated code from Web.

Rollback Procedure for Fabric on Kubernetes

If the upgrade fails or if any issues are being encountered, follow the steps below to roll back to the previous version.

Step 1: Rollback to the Previous Version

  1. Use the following command to initiate a rollback to the previous deployment version:
   kubectl rollout undo deployment/fabric-deployment -n space-k2view


   kubectl rollout undo statefulset/fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view
  1. Verify the rollback status:
   kubectl rollout status deployment/fabric-deployment -n space-k2view


   kubectl rollout status staetfulset/fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view

Step 2: Verify the Rollback

  1. Check the status of the pods to ensure they are running the previous stable version:
   kubectl get pods -n space-k2view
  1. Confirm that Fabric is functioning as expected following the rollback:

    • Generate/Run a code on the web and verify its functionality.
  2. Confirm that the application is functioning as expected following the rollback.

Note: After performing either an upgrade or a rollback, document the actions taken and validate the application's functionality thoroughly before proceeding with further steps.

General Troubleshooting

If you encounter issues during the upgrade or the rollback process, consider the following general troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check Logs: Review the logs of the Fabric deployment for any error messages or warnings:
   kubectl logs deployment/fabric-deployment -n space-k2view


   kubectl logs statefulset/fabric-statefulset -n space-k2view
  1. Inspect Events: Use Kubernetes events to identify potential issues with pods, deployments, or other resources:
   kubectl get events -n space-k2view --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp
  1. Resource Status: Validate the status of related resources such as services, config maps, and persistent volume claims, ensuring they are functioning correctly:
   kubectl get svc,configmap,pvc -n space-k2view
  1. Network Connectivity: Ensure that there are no network issues or blocked connections affecting Fabric's ability to operate properly. This can include checking network policies, service endpoints, and DNS resolutions within the cluster.

  2. Check Pod Health: Use the describe command to get detailed information about pod failures or restarts:

   kubectl describe pod <pod-name> -n space-k2view
  1. Resource Limits and Requests: Review the resource limits and requests for Fabric pods to ensure they are not being throttled or evicted due to insufficient resources.

  2. Cluster Health: Ensure the overall health of the Kubernetes cluster is good, and there are no node issues, resource shortages, or other factors that could affect the deployment.

  3. Contact Support: If issues persist, consider reaching out to support with the relevant logs, steps taken, and any specific errors encountered.

Appendix: ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding Configuration

To ensure that the user running the kubectl commands has the necessary permissions, the following ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding configurations should be applied.

ClusterRole Configuration

Create or update a ClusterRole named fabric--manager with the required permissions by saving the following configuration in a file named fabric--clusterrole.yaml:

kind: ClusterRole
  name: fabric--manager
  - apiGroups: ["", "apps"]
      - pods
      - pods/exec
      - deployments
      - replicasets
      - services
      - configmaps
      - persistentvolumeclaims
      - get
      - list
      - watch
      - create
      - delete
      - deletecollection
      - patch
      - update
      - edit
  - apiGroups: ["apps"]
      - deployments/rollback
      - deployments/scale
      - update
  - apiGroups: ["extensions"]
      - replicasets
      - delete

Apply the ClusterRole configuration:

kubectl apply -f fabric--clusterrole.yaml

ClusterRoleBinding Configuration

Bind the ClusterRole to the user executing the kubectl commands. Create or update the ClusterRoleBinding by saving the following configuration in a file named fabric--clusterrolebinding.yaml:

kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: fabric--manager-binding
  - kind: User
    name: <username>  # Replace with the actual username
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: fabric--manager

Apply the ClusterRoleBinding configuration:

kubectl apply -f fabric--clusterrolebinding.yaml