K2View Customized Rules

4.2 Java Coding

1. Resource must be closed

2. Catch block should not be Empty!
-Checks if catch block was defined to be empty, which is not recommended as it will make it very hard to locate failures in code.

-Caught exception should be handled or printed out.

3. Use binding to get instance
-This rule detects an execution of get command without binding

use:        db("Fabric").execute("get LUTYPE.?",  IID );
instead of:     db("Fabric").execute("get LUTYPE.IID", null );

4. Fetch single value/row using firstValue()/firstRow() functions
-This rule detects a use of multi rows function instead of using the above mentioned functions for single value\row

5. Use Prepare and send the values as parameters to the SQL

use:        db(InterfaceName).fetch(select * from table where id =?,ID);
instead of: db(InterfaceName).fetch(select * from table where id = "+ ID +",null);

6. ReportUserMessage/log.info should only be used for debugging
-This rule detects usage of log.info/ReportUserMessage


-Reduce the usage of the log.info/ReportUserMessage and use only if mandatoy or for debugging purpose.

7. Deprecated functions should not be used
-This rule detects usage of deprecated functions

Please check the User Guide for more details on deprecated functions.

8. Use fabric() instead of db() in the WS
-db() function should be used to extract data from fabric via the WS


K2View Customized Rules

4.2 Java Coding

1. Resource must be closed

2. Catch block should not be Empty!
-Checks if catch block was defined to be empty, which is not recommended as it will make it very hard to locate failures in code.

-Caught exception should be handled or printed out.

3. Use binding to get instance
-This rule detects an execution of get command without binding

use:        db("Fabric").execute("get LUTYPE.?",  IID );
instead of:     db("Fabric").execute("get LUTYPE.IID", null );

4. Fetch single value/row using firstValue()/firstRow() functions
-This rule detects a use of multi rows function instead of using the above mentioned functions for single value\row

5. Use Prepare and send the values as parameters to the SQL

use:        db(InterfaceName).fetch(select * from table where id =?,ID);
instead of: db(InterfaceName).fetch(select * from table where id = "+ ID +",null);

6. ReportUserMessage/log.info should only be used for debugging
-This rule detects usage of log.info/ReportUserMessage


-Reduce the usage of the log.info/ReportUserMessage and use only if mandatoy or for debugging purpose.

7. Deprecated functions should not be used
-This rule detects usage of deprecated functions

Please check the User Guide for more details on deprecated functions.

8. Use fabric() instead of db() in the WS
-db() function should be used to extract data from fabric via the WS
