Shared Objects
Shared Objects can be used in all components of a Fabric project. For example, Logical Units, References, Web Services or processes.
Which Objects Can be Shared in a Fabric Project?
The following components can be shared in a Fabric project:
- Interfaces - a list of source connection details defined for the project.
- Java files and resource files:
-, (default) containing all shared Functions from all categories, except for Product functions.
-, per category, containing all shared Functions for a defined physical category. Each file is positioned under the relevant Category folder.
-, containing all shared Globals in a set of global parameters.
Note: If a Global is defined in both a Shared Object and a specific Logical Unit, the one used is the one defined in the specific Logical Unit. Other Logical Units use the definitions in the Shared Object.
- Resources, various files that can be saved both as part of a project and in version control.
- Broadway - set of flows that can be used for the data movement, its transformation and orchestration. A Broadway flow, defined at a Shared Objects level, may be used in any LU included in the project.
- Database Types/Custom Interface Types - where you can define a new database type that has a JDBC driver, which is not a part of the Product package. Additionally, you can edit product-supported database types that are used when defining interfaces.
- Environments - where you can define the number of environments according to your needs and also switch between environments in the same Fabric project.
- Translations - sets of translations that can be used for data transformation. A Translation defined in a Shared Objects level may be used in any LU, which is included in the project.
- If either a function , a translation or a Broadway flow is defined both under Shared Objects and under a Logical Unit with the same name and parameters, the Logical Unit function code gets priority.
- Since Shared Objects are not self-deployed, changes made to an item under a Shared Object, used by several components, require redeployment in order to become available.
Click for more information about Project Structure and Creating a New Project in Fabric.