Fabric & TDM 7.xx Hardware Requirements for Development and QA Environments


  • PostgreSQL is generally required for TDM projects only.

  • K2view supports PostgreSQL version 9.6 & 13.

  • PostgreSQL requires 100G storage.

  • PostgreSQL can be deployed in one of these ways:

    • On Premise, as a virtual or physical machine with 4 Cpu cores and 16 GB Ram (use latest CentOS/Redhat/Ubuntu OS with latest patches).
    • As a service.

    For cloud deployments:

  • If using AWS: EC2: a1.2xlarge, m5.xlarge

  • If using Azure VM: A8v2

  • If using GCP: e2-standard-4

    For example, if you are implementing PostgreSQL as a PaaS, you can use the following:

Windows Server Specifications for Fabric Studio

Hardware Requirements

For Local installation:

  • Windows Version – Any one of the following: 10/11/2012/2016/2019 64bit Machine
  • CPU: 8 Cores/vCPUs.
  • RAM: 8GB
  • Storage: 100GB Available Disk Space

For Cloud installation:

  • If using AWS: EC2: m5.xlarge
  • If using Azure VM: A8v2
  • If using GCP e2-standard-4

Windows Ports

Open the following ports on the Windows server:

  • 3389 – Used for RDP

Windows Permissions

Local administrator privileges are needed for the Fabric Studio installation.

Fabric/Cassandra/Kafka Linux Execution Server Specifications

Hardware Requirements (for each Linux server):

  • OS: latest CentOS/Redhat Operating System with latest patches Note: Cassandra requiers python 2.7
  • CPU: 4 Cores/vCPUs (Modern Xeon Processor)
  • RAM: 12GB
  • Storage: The preferred storage is attached local SSD’s in non-RAID configuration.
    When SAN must be used, it must be flash and in RAID-0. NAS are not certified

The FS volumes required are as follows:

  • Volume of 150G /opt/apps/fabric/ - will be used also as the home directory for fabric user

  • Volume of 200G /opt/apps/cassandra/

  • Volume of 50G /opt/apps/kafka/

    For Cloud installation:

    • If using AWS: EC2: m5.2xlarge
    • If using Azure: Standard_DS14_v2
    • If using GCP: e2-standard-8

Linux Server Setup

Follow these steps to setup a Linux Server:

  1. NTP/chrony installed and configured
  2. Add a user ‘fabric' with group 'fabric'
  3. Add Admin permissions to the fabric user.
  4. Provide read/write access to /opt/apps/fabric
  5. Remote access option (SSH) enabled to user fabric.
  6. Add a user ‘cassandra' with group ‘fabric’
  7. Provide read/write access to /opt/apps/cassandra
  8. Remote access option (SSH) enabled to user cassandra.
  9. Add a user ‘kafka with group ‘fabric’
  10. Provide read/write access to /opt/apps/kafka
  11. Remote access option (SSH) enabled to user kafka.

Run the following as ROOT:

echo "root  soft   nproc   unlimited"  >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "cassandra - nofile 100000" >>  /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "cassandra - nproc 50000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "fabric - nofile  100000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "fabric - nproc  50000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "kafka hard  nofile 100000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "kafka soft  nofile 100000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "kafka - nproc  50000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "kafka - nproc  50000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
## update /etc/sysctl.conf  ##
echo "## Added by  K2view - GabiO" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo  "vm.max_map_count = 1048575" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "fs.file-max =  1000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Linux Ports

Open the following ports on the LINUX server, and make sure they are accessible from outside the server:

7000 cassandra
7001 cassandra
7199 cassandra
9042 cassandra
9160 cassandra
3213, 9443 K2View Fabric
6379 Redis
2181, 2888, 3888 Kafka Zookeeper
9093 Kafka
9081 Kafka JMX
5124 K2View Fabric


Fabric & TDM 7.xx Hardware Requirements for Development and QA Environments


  • PostgreSQL is generally required for TDM projects only.

  • K2view supports PostgreSQL version 9.6 & 13.

  • PostgreSQL requires 100G storage.

  • PostgreSQL can be deployed in one of these ways:

    • On Premise, as a virtual or physical machine with 4 Cpu cores and 16 GB Ram (use latest CentOS/Redhat/Ubuntu OS with latest patches).
    • As a service.

    For cloud deployments:

  • If using AWS: EC2: a1.2xlarge, m5.xlarge

  • If using Azure VM: A8v2

  • If using GCP: e2-standard-4

    For example, if you are implementing PostgreSQL as a PaaS, you can use the following:

Windows Server Specifications for Fabric Studio

Hardware Requirements

For Local installation:

  • Windows Version – Any one of the following: 10/11/2012/2016/2019 64bit Machine
  • CPU: 8 Cores/vCPUs.
  • RAM: 8GB
  • Storage: 100GB Available Disk Space

For Cloud installation:

  • If using AWS: EC2: m5.xlarge
  • If using Azure VM: A8v2
  • If using GCP e2-standard-4

Windows Ports

Open the following ports on the Windows server:

  • 3389 – Used for RDP

Windows Permissions

Local administrator privileges are needed for the Fabric Studio installation.

Fabric/Cassandra/Kafka Linux Execution Server Specifications

Hardware Requirements (for each Linux server):

  • OS: latest CentOS/Redhat Operating System with latest patches Note: Cassandra requiers python 2.7
  • CPU: 4 Cores/vCPUs (Modern Xeon Processor)
  • RAM: 12GB
  • Storage: The preferred storage is attached local SSD’s in non-RAID configuration.
    When SAN must be used, it must be flash and in RAID-0. NAS are not certified

The FS volumes required are as follows:

  • Volume of 150G /opt/apps/fabric/ - will be used also as the home directory for fabric user

  • Volume of 200G /opt/apps/cassandra/

  • Volume of 50G /opt/apps/kafka/

    For Cloud installation:

    • If using AWS: EC2: m5.2xlarge
    • If using Azure: Standard_DS14_v2
    • If using GCP: e2-standard-8

Linux Server Setup

Follow these steps to setup a Linux Server:

  1. NTP/chrony installed and configured
  2. Add a user ‘fabric' with group 'fabric'
  3. Add Admin permissions to the fabric user.
  4. Provide read/write access to /opt/apps/fabric
  5. Remote access option (SSH) enabled to user fabric.
  6. Add a user ‘cassandra' with group ‘fabric’
  7. Provide read/write access to /opt/apps/cassandra
  8. Remote access option (SSH) enabled to user cassandra.
  9. Add a user ‘kafka with group ‘fabric’
  10. Provide read/write access to /opt/apps/kafka
  11. Remote access option (SSH) enabled to user kafka.

Run the following as ROOT:

echo "root  soft   nproc   unlimited"  >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "cassandra - nofile 100000" >>  /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "cassandra - nproc 50000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "fabric - nofile  100000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "fabric - nproc  50000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "kafka hard  nofile 100000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "kafka soft  nofile 100000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "kafka - nproc  50000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
echo "kafka - nproc  50000" >> /etc/security/limits.conf
## update /etc/sysctl.conf  ##
echo "## Added by  K2view - GabiO" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo  "vm.max_map_count = 1048575" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "fs.file-max =  1000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf

Linux Ports

Open the following ports on the LINUX server, and make sure they are accessible from outside the server:

7000 cassandra
7001 cassandra
7199 cassandra
9042 cassandra
9160 cassandra
3213, 9443 K2View Fabric
6379 Redis
2181, 2888, 3888 Kafka Zookeeper
9093 Kafka
9081 Kafka JMX
5124 K2View Fabric
