
These prerequisites are for the purpose of development, training, a demo or a small Proof-of-Concept installation. You can use 1 of the following 2 environments:

  • Docker CE/EE over CentOs/RedHat 7.9, Ubuntu 18.04 (or higher) for a Linux environment
  • Docker Desktop for Windows/Mac environments

More detailed requirements for each are described below:

Docker over CentOs/RedHat

  1. CentOS/RedHat 7.9, Ubuntu 18.04 (or higher) Operating System with the latest patches, for each:

    • Modern Xeon Processor
    • 8 Physical Cores
    • 16 GB RAM
    • HDD, 200GB must be available

    Note: Minimum 10G RAM is required for running 1x Fabric, 1x Cassandra. Our recommendation if for a physical Docker host and not a virtual machine.

  2. Install the latest Docker CE/EE version (https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/centos/).

    Note: The /var/lib/docker should have at least 200GB of free memory.

  3. Docker Compose must also be installed (see Docker documentation online https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).

  4. Enable NTP/chronyc (see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/enus/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/system_administrators_guide/sect-using_chrony).

  5. Create the k2view user, and set the home directory on a drive with at least 50GB of space as follows:

   ## update the k2view user home directory and password!! 
   useradd -m -d /<update the path>/k2view/ k2view passwd k2view 
  1. Grant the k2view user privileges to run Docker & Docker Compose via SUDO.

Minimum hardware requirements for Docker Desktop

  1. Windows or Mac machine with an 8 core CPU.
  2. Windows or Mac machine with a minimum of 16G RAM.
  3. Windows or Mac machine with minimum 120G of hard disk space.

How Do I Set Up and Run Docker Environment?

Load Container Images

  1. Download the latest versions of Fabric, Cassandra, Kafka and Docker Compose using 1 the below 4 links:

cassandra https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/cassandra/3.11.12/D_k2view_cassandra_3.11.12.tar.gz
md5: 5674945c399c58bc32b5aa49c381131fcd
kafka https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/kafka/5.5.1/D_k2view_kafka_5.5.1_3.tar.gz
md5: 5d038a563723838d891ea6d09935e9dd
fabric https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/fabric_7.0/7.0.1/Server/fabric-7.0.1_118-HF3/D_k2view_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz
md5: 50c1fcb53397259e72615b4b0687430e
docker-compose https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/fabric_7.0/7.0.1/Server/fabric-7.0.1_118-HF3/compose_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz
md5: fb4ca4d1f28e4ce45aa2a1d12525fa19
  1. Copy all files to the k2view directory as follows:
   cd ~/ 
   wget https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/cassandra/3.11.12/D_k2view_cassandra_3.11.12.tar.gz
   wget https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/kafka/5.5.1/D_k2view_kafka_5.5.1_3.tar.gz 
   wget https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/fabric_7.0/7.0.1/Server/fabric-7.0.1_118-HF3/D_k2view_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz
   wget https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/fabric_7.0/7.0.1/Server/fabric-7.0.1_118-HF3/compose_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz
  1. Load the Docker images as follows:
    docker load -i D_k2view_cassandra_3.11.12.tar.gz 
    docker load -i D_k2view_kafka_5.5.1_3.tar.gz
    docker load -i D_k2view_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz 

You can see the names of the images by using the command docker images

  1. Extract the Config archives as follows:
   tar -zxvf compose_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz 

Run Single Fabric, Cassandra and Kafka Instances

Run Docker Compose as follows:

cd compose_fabric_7.0.1_118
# run:  
docker-compose up -d 

# or  
sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d  

Cassandra and Fabric will start automatically.

How Do I Stop Services in Docker Environment?

  1. To stop the Docker Compose, do the following:
   cd compose_fabric_7.0.1_118
   docker-compose stop
  1. To stop the Cassandra service, do the following:
   docker exec -u=cassandra -it cassandra bash su - cassandra 

   ## stop cassandra  

   ## restart cassandra  
   stop-server && cassandra
  1. To stop or restart Fabric, do the following:
   docker exec -it fabric bash -l  
   k2fabric stop / restart  



These prerequisites are for the purpose of development, training, a demo or a small Proof-of-Concept installation. You can use 1 of the following 2 environments:

  • Docker CE/EE over CentOs/RedHat 7.9, Ubuntu 18.04 (or higher) for a Linux environment
  • Docker Desktop for Windows/Mac environments

More detailed requirements for each are described below:

Docker over CentOs/RedHat

  1. CentOS/RedHat 7.9, Ubuntu 18.04 (or higher) Operating System with the latest patches, for each:

    • Modern Xeon Processor
    • 8 Physical Cores
    • 16 GB RAM
    • HDD, 200GB must be available

    Note: Minimum 10G RAM is required for running 1x Fabric, 1x Cassandra. Our recommendation if for a physical Docker host and not a virtual machine.

  2. Install the latest Docker CE/EE version (https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/centos/).

    Note: The /var/lib/docker should have at least 200GB of free memory.

  3. Docker Compose must also be installed (see Docker documentation online https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).

  4. Enable NTP/chronyc (see https://access.redhat.com/documentation/enus/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/system_administrators_guide/sect-using_chrony).

  5. Create the k2view user, and set the home directory on a drive with at least 50GB of space as follows:

   ## update the k2view user home directory and password!! 
   useradd -m -d /<update the path>/k2view/ k2view passwd k2view 
  1. Grant the k2view user privileges to run Docker & Docker Compose via SUDO.

Minimum hardware requirements for Docker Desktop

  1. Windows or Mac machine with an 8 core CPU.
  2. Windows or Mac machine with a minimum of 16G RAM.
  3. Windows or Mac machine with minimum 120G of hard disk space.

How Do I Set Up and Run Docker Environment?

Load Container Images

  1. Download the latest versions of Fabric, Cassandra, Kafka and Docker Compose using 1 the below 4 links:

cassandra https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/cassandra/3.11.12/D_k2view_cassandra_3.11.12.tar.gz
md5: 5674945c399c58bc32b5aa49c381131fcd
kafka https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/kafka/5.5.1/D_k2view_kafka_5.5.1_3.tar.gz
md5: 5d038a563723838d891ea6d09935e9dd
fabric https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/fabric_7.0/7.0.1/Server/fabric-7.0.1_118-HF3/D_k2view_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz
md5: 50c1fcb53397259e72615b4b0687430e
docker-compose https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/fabric_7.0/7.0.1/Server/fabric-7.0.1_118-HF3/compose_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz
md5: fb4ca4d1f28e4ce45aa2a1d12525fa19
  1. Copy all files to the k2view directory as follows:
   cd ~/ 
   wget https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/cassandra/3.11.12/D_k2view_cassandra_3.11.12.tar.gz
   wget https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/kafka/5.5.1/D_k2view_kafka_5.5.1_3.tar.gz 
   wget https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/fabric_7.0/7.0.1/Server/fabric-7.0.1_118-HF3/D_k2view_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz
   wget https://owncloud-bkp2.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/adminoc/fabricint/fabric_7.0/7.0.1/Server/fabric-7.0.1_118-HF3/compose_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz
  1. Load the Docker images as follows:
    docker load -i D_k2view_cassandra_3.11.12.tar.gz 
    docker load -i D_k2view_kafka_5.5.1_3.tar.gz
    docker load -i D_k2view_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz 

You can see the names of the images by using the command docker images

  1. Extract the Config archives as follows:
   tar -zxvf compose_fabric_7.0.1_118.tar.gz 

Run Single Fabric, Cassandra and Kafka Instances

Run Docker Compose as follows:

cd compose_fabric_7.0.1_118
# run:  
docker-compose up -d 

# or  
sudo /usr/local/bin/docker-compose up -d  

Cassandra and Fabric will start automatically.

How Do I Stop Services in Docker Environment?

  1. To stop the Docker Compose, do the following:
   cd compose_fabric_7.0.1_118
   docker-compose stop
  1. To stop the Cassandra service, do the following:
   docker exec -u=cassandra -it cassandra bash su - cassandra 

   ## stop cassandra  

   ## restart cassandra  
   stop-server && cassandra
  1. To stop or restart Fabric, do the following:
   docker exec -it fabric bash -l  
   k2fabric stop / restart