Refresh LU

The Logical Unit toolbar has two Refresh icons:


  • Blue: Refresh project objects into the LU schema.
  • Green: Updates tables from the database, thereby rebuilding LU tables based on the source DB. This is used to implement source DB updates into an LU schema. When needed, Update Tables from Database adds new columns to the LU table.

Note that Update Tables from Database does not delete or add tables to the LU schema and does not delete columns from LU tables. These updates must be implemented manually.

You can refresh your Logical Unit Schema by using the Logical Unit Schema toolbar action icon

When clicked, schema is refreshed with the updates that were done outside the schema. E.g. when table populations were added/removed or when table structures were changed (whether a table was updated either via the Project > LU > Tables folder or via the Git pull action).

In such cases you might see a popup notification at the bottom right corner of the screen, advising about the change. It should look like this:

Open the Problems panel view (can be opened from the top menu > View or by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+M), in order to better understand what changes took place and to check for any outstanding item actions.

For example, when a table population was added, you will see similar entries at the Problems panel. In the example below, the Studio suggests that a population was added and that links shall be set to the parent table:


Refresh LU

The Logical Unit toolbar has two Refresh icons:


  • Blue: Refresh project objects into the LU schema.
  • Green: Updates tables from the database, thereby rebuilding LU tables based on the source DB. This is used to implement source DB updates into an LU schema. When needed, Update Tables from Database adds new columns to the LU table.

Note that Update Tables from Database does not delete or add tables to the LU schema and does not delete columns from LU tables. These updates must be implemented manually.

You can refresh your Logical Unit Schema by using the Logical Unit Schema toolbar action icon

When clicked, schema is refreshed with the updates that were done outside the schema. E.g. when table populations were added/removed or when table structures were changed (whether a table was updated either via the Project > LU > Tables folder or via the Git pull action).

In such cases you might see a popup notification at the bottom right corner of the screen, advising about the change. It should look like this:

Open the Problems panel view (can be opened from the top menu > View or by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+M), in order to better understand what changes took place and to check for any outstanding item actions.

For example, when a table population was added, you will see similar entries at the Problems panel. In the example below, the Studio suggests that a population was added and that links shall be set to the parent table:
