Enrichment Functions - Code Example

Enrichment Functions - Code Examples

Example of an Enrichment Function that Populates a Table's Field

Use an Enrichment function to validate the retrieved data and update a table. For example, to calculate the number of months a case is not Closed and populate this information in the CASES table for each case, whereby for all Closed cases - set the number of month to 0.

  1. Create an Enrichment function.
  String caseStatus = "Closed";
  String sqlNotClosed = "UPDATE CASES SET CASE_OPEN_MONTHS = "+
    "(SELECT round((julianday('now') - julianday(C2.CASE_DATE))/365*12) from CASES C2 "+
  1. Add a new column to the CASES table and attach the Enrichment function to the CASES table via the Table Properties tab. A detailed example of the fnMonthsOpenCase Enrichment Function can be found in the Demo project.

Complex Example of Several Validations, Including the Use of an Enrichment Function

Run validation functions to validate LUI data during the Sync process and save the results in a dedicated LU table. Then run an Enrichment function to check the validation results and update a Validation Indicator column in the LU table based on the validation results. The following example describes the validation check if a customer has roaming services and Open cases. It saves the validation results in an LU table and updates CUSTOMER LU table accordingly:

  1. Create the validations as a set of Regular Project functions - one per each validation. For example, the fnHasRoaming function:
  String roamingService = "Roaming special";
  Db.Rows rows = ludb().fetch(sql, roamingService);
  Integer hasRoaming = Integer.parseInt(rows.firstValue().toString());
  if (hasRoaming > 0){
      return  "Customer has Roaming services !!";
      return  "OK";
  1. Define a new translation object and populate it using the list of validation functions, created in Step 1. Check the relevant translation entries as Active so that you can include their validations as needed. For example, a trnValidationFuncList translation. 10_04_create_enrichment_2
  2. Create a new LU table populated by a Root function that executes the validations and populates the results in the table. For example, the EXEC_VALIDATIONS table is populated by the fnExecuteValidations Root function in the popExecValidations population. 10_04_create_enrichment_1
      Map <String, Map <String,String>> ChecksTrn = getTranslationsData("trnValidationFuncList");
      String Func = null;

      for(java.util.Map.Entry<String, Map <String,String>> trnVals : ChecksTrn.entrySet()){
          Map <String,String> trnVal = (Map <String,String>) trnVals.getValue();
          // Checks that the record is active
          if(trnVal.get("ACTIVE") != null && rnVal.get("ACTIVE").equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
          String CheckDesc = trnVal.get("CHECK_DESC");
          String FuncName = trnVal.get("FUNCTION_NAME");

          if(FuncName != null && !FuncName.isEmpty() ){
                  String Result =  Factory.valueOf(FuncName).invoke();            
                  yield(new Object[]{CheckDesc,Result});
  1. Create an Enrichment function. For example, an fnCheckValidationsResults Enrichment function that will go over the results in the table and update a specific indicator in the CUSTOMER table.
  String sqlSelect = "SELECT count(*) FROM EXEC_VALIDATIONS WHERE RESULT !='OK'";
  Db.Rows rows = ludb().fetch(sqlSelect);
  Integer validationsNotOK = Integer.parseInt(rows.firstValue().toString());
  if (validationsNotOK > 0){
      ludb().execute(sqlUpdate, validationsNotOK);
  1. Attach the Enrichment function to the EXEC_VALIDATIONS table via the Table Properties tab. Full example of the code in all the above functions can be found in the Demo project.

Example of an Enrichment Function that Populates the Param Table

A common scenario in Test Data Management (TDM) projects is to add a Parameters LU table to the LU schema, populate it and then aggregate the LU's parameters for business logic and validations. For example, in the Orders LU to get various parameters like the number of MSISDNS or the number of open orders for each Order type, define the list of parameters and the SQL query to be executed on the LU tables for each parameter in a translation object. The Enrichment function then executes the SQL queries for each parameter and populates the Parameters LU table.

  1. Create a new translation named trnOrdersParams that defines a list of parameters and an SQL query for calculating each parameter. 10_04_create_enrichment_3

  2. Create a new LU table named ORDERS_PARAMS which is populated by a dummy fnRootORdersParams Root function, the actual population of the table is implemented by the enrichment function. 10_04_create_enrichment_4

  if (1 == 2) yield(new Object[]{null});
  1. Create an Enrichment function named fnEnrichmentOrderParam that retrieves and loops over the translation's data, calculates the parameter and populates it into the target ORDERS_PARAMS LU table for each entry.
     Map<String,Map<String,String>> data = getTranslationsData("trnOrdersParams");
     StringBuilder stringInsertFabricLuParam = 
     new StringBuilder().append("INSERT OR REPLACE INFO ORDERS_PARAMS (IID, ");
     String prefix = "";
     if(data.size() > 0){

         // Loop on the translation record
      for(String index: data.keySet()) {
             // Get the SQL query for each parameter
          String sql = valMap.get("SQL");
            //Run the SQL statement on the LU
          Db.Rows rows = ludb().fetch(sql);
            // Build the insert statement by the parameters and their values
             String insertSQL = stringInsertFabricLuParam.append(sqlInsertBind).toString();

      } // end of loop on the translation values

       //Insert a new record to ORDERS_PARAM
      ludb().execute(insertSQL, params);

Full example of the fnEnrichmentOrderParam function can be found in the Demo project. Previous

Enrichment Functions - Code Example

Enrichment Functions - Code Examples

Example of an Enrichment Function that Populates a Table's Field

Use an Enrichment function to validate the retrieved data and update a table. For example, to calculate the number of months a case is not Closed and populate this information in the CASES table for each case, whereby for all Closed cases - set the number of month to 0.

  1. Create an Enrichment function.
  String caseStatus = "Closed";
  String sqlNotClosed = "UPDATE CASES SET CASE_OPEN_MONTHS = "+
    "(SELECT round((julianday('now') - julianday(C2.CASE_DATE))/365*12) from CASES C2 "+
  1. Add a new column to the CASES table and attach the Enrichment function to the CASES table via the Table Properties tab. A detailed example of the fnMonthsOpenCase Enrichment Function can be found in the Demo project.

Complex Example of Several Validations, Including the Use of an Enrichment Function

Run validation functions to validate LUI data during the Sync process and save the results in a dedicated LU table. Then run an Enrichment function to check the validation results and update a Validation Indicator column in the LU table based on the validation results. The following example describes the validation check if a customer has roaming services and Open cases. It saves the validation results in an LU table and updates CUSTOMER LU table accordingly:

  1. Create the validations as a set of Regular Project functions - one per each validation. For example, the fnHasRoaming function:
  String roamingService = "Roaming special";
  Db.Rows rows = ludb().fetch(sql, roamingService);
  Integer hasRoaming = Integer.parseInt(rows.firstValue().toString());
  if (hasRoaming > 0){
      return  "Customer has Roaming services !!";
      return  "OK";
  1. Define a new translation object and populate it using the list of validation functions, created in Step 1. Check the relevant translation entries as Active so that you can include their validations as needed. For example, a trnValidationFuncList translation. 10_04_create_enrichment_2
  2. Create a new LU table populated by a Root function that executes the validations and populates the results in the table. For example, the EXEC_VALIDATIONS table is populated by the fnExecuteValidations Root function in the popExecValidations population. 10_04_create_enrichment_1
      Map <String, Map <String,String>> ChecksTrn = getTranslationsData("trnValidationFuncList");
      String Func = null;

      for(java.util.Map.Entry<String, Map <String,String>> trnVals : ChecksTrn.entrySet()){
          Map <String,String> trnVal = (Map <String,String>) trnVals.getValue();
          // Checks that the record is active
          if(trnVal.get("ACTIVE") != null && rnVal.get("ACTIVE").equalsIgnoreCase("false"))
          String CheckDesc = trnVal.get("CHECK_DESC");
          String FuncName = trnVal.get("FUNCTION_NAME");

          if(FuncName != null && !FuncName.isEmpty() ){
                  String Result =  Factory.valueOf(FuncName).invoke();            
                  yield(new Object[]{CheckDesc,Result});
  1. Create an Enrichment function. For example, an fnCheckValidationsResults Enrichment function that will go over the results in the table and update a specific indicator in the CUSTOMER table.
  String sqlSelect = "SELECT count(*) FROM EXEC_VALIDATIONS WHERE RESULT !='OK'";
  Db.Rows rows = ludb().fetch(sqlSelect);
  Integer validationsNotOK = Integer.parseInt(rows.firstValue().toString());
  if (validationsNotOK > 0){
      ludb().execute(sqlUpdate, validationsNotOK);
  1. Attach the Enrichment function to the EXEC_VALIDATIONS table via the Table Properties tab. Full example of the code in all the above functions can be found in the Demo project.

Example of an Enrichment Function that Populates the Param Table

A common scenario in Test Data Management (TDM) projects is to add a Parameters LU table to the LU schema, populate it and then aggregate the LU's parameters for business logic and validations. For example, in the Orders LU to get various parameters like the number of MSISDNS or the number of open orders for each Order type, define the list of parameters and the SQL query to be executed on the LU tables for each parameter in a translation object. The Enrichment function then executes the SQL queries for each parameter and populates the Parameters LU table.

  1. Create a new translation named trnOrdersParams that defines a list of parameters and an SQL query for calculating each parameter. 10_04_create_enrichment_3

  2. Create a new LU table named ORDERS_PARAMS which is populated by a dummy fnRootORdersParams Root function, the actual population of the table is implemented by the enrichment function. 10_04_create_enrichment_4

  if (1 == 2) yield(new Object[]{null});
  1. Create an Enrichment function named fnEnrichmentOrderParam that retrieves and loops over the translation's data, calculates the parameter and populates it into the target ORDERS_PARAMS LU table for each entry.
     Map<String,Map<String,String>> data = getTranslationsData("trnOrdersParams");
     StringBuilder stringInsertFabricLuParam = 
     new StringBuilder().append("INSERT OR REPLACE INFO ORDERS_PARAMS (IID, ");
     String prefix = "";
     if(data.size() > 0){

         // Loop on the translation record
      for(String index: data.keySet()) {
             // Get the SQL query for each parameter
          String sql = valMap.get("SQL");
            //Run the SQL statement on the LU
          Db.Rows rows = ludb().fetch(sql);
            // Build the insert statement by the parameters and their values
             String insertSQL = stringInsertFabricLuParam.append(sqlInsertBind).toString();

      } // end of loop on the translation values

       //Insert a new record to ORDERS_PARAM
      ludb().execute(insertSQL, params);

Full example of the fnEnrichmentOrderParam function can be found in the Demo project. Previous