Product Base Commands Built-In APIs

Fabric provides out-of-the-box web services/APIs.

All API accesses are over HTTPS, and are accessed from the Fabric URL endpoint https://<Domain Name>:<PORT>

Fabric Commands

POST /api/fabric-commands

Run either a fabric command or a set of fabric commands.


  1. Retrieves the logical units list

​ Request Body

        "commands": [
                "command":"list ?",


​ Response Body

            "resultSet": {
                "columns": [
                    "Project Version"
                "types": [
                "rows": [
            "duration": 10
  1. Activate the ref_sync command to sync reference tables

​ Request Body

        "commands": [
                "command":"ref_sync LU_NAME=? TABLES=?;",


​ Response Body

      "results": [
          "resultSet": {
            "columns": [
              "Table name"
            "rows": [
          "duration": 75

As can be seen, the fabric-commands bring also meta data information and named element. To get a simpler results set, use the fabric-command API

Fabric Command

POST /api/fabric-command

Run either a fabric command or a set of fabric commands. You shall use ";" followed by a new line to separate between commands.

Example - running 3 commands:

​ Request Body

        "command": "set sync force;
        get ?.?;
        SELECT\ni.InvoiceID,\ni.DueDate,\ni.TotalAmount,\ni.PaymentStatus,\no.OutageID,\no.date_time AS OutageDateTime,\no.estimated_resolution,\no.status AS OutageStatus\nFROM\nInvoice i\nJOIN\nSubscriber s ON i.SubscriberID = s.SubscriberID\nLEFT JOIN\nOutages o ON s.SubscriberID = o.SubscriberID\nWHERE\ns.CustomerID = 1 AND\n(i.PaymentStatus = 'Due' AND i.DueDate < DATE('now') OR\no.status = 'Active');",
        "allResultSets": true

​ Response Body:

            "luName": "Billing",
            "iid": "1",
            "version": 1711628351587,
            "action": "UPDATE",
            "notes": ""
            "INVOICEID": 2738,
            "DUEDATE": "2023-06-29",
            "TOTALAMOUNT": 8.09,
            "PAYMENTSTATUS": "Paid",
            "OUTAGEID": 4701,
            "OutageDateTime": "2024-02-27 22:29:31.184",
            "OutageStatus": "Active"
            "INVOICEID": 2742,
            "DUEDATE": "2023-07-29",
            "TOTALAMOUNT": 8.09,
            "PAYMENTSTATUS": "Paid",
            "OUTAGEID": 4701,
            "OutageDateTime": "2024-02-27 22:29:31.184",
            "OutageStatus": "Active"

GET /api/fabric-command?command=<fabric command/s>[&allResultSets=true|false]

Similar to the POST method but send the information using GET parameters.


POST /api/authenticate

Generate a JWT digitally signed cookie for Web-Services calls on the same session. Consequently, future Fabric Web-services calls will not require a token as a parameter.

The web service expects either an API Key to be sent in the request body or username and password, as follows:

  • Authenticate by apikey

    Request Body:

  "apikey": "string"
  • Authenticate by user/password

    Request Body:

  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",

Fabric isAlive

Indicates whether Fabric is up and running.

GET /api/isAlive


  • https://localhost:3213/api/isAlive


Product Base Commands Built-In APIs

Fabric provides out-of-the-box web services/APIs.

All API accesses are over HTTPS, and are accessed from the Fabric URL endpoint https://<Domain Name>:<PORT>

Fabric Commands

POST /api/fabric-commands

Run either a fabric command or a set of fabric commands.


  1. Retrieves the logical units list

​ Request Body

        "commands": [
                "command":"list ?",


​ Response Body

            "resultSet": {
                "columns": [
                    "Project Version"
                "types": [
                "rows": [
            "duration": 10
  1. Activate the ref_sync command to sync reference tables

​ Request Body

        "commands": [
                "command":"ref_sync LU_NAME=? TABLES=?;",


​ Response Body

      "results": [
          "resultSet": {
            "columns": [
              "Table name"
            "rows": [
          "duration": 75

As can be seen, the fabric-commands bring also meta data information and named element. To get a simpler results set, use the fabric-command API

Fabric Command

POST /api/fabric-command

Run either a fabric command or a set of fabric commands. You shall use ";" followed by a new line to separate between commands.

Example - running 3 commands:

​ Request Body

        "command": "set sync force;
        get ?.?;
        SELECT\ni.InvoiceID,\ni.DueDate,\ni.TotalAmount,\ni.PaymentStatus,\no.OutageID,\no.date_time AS OutageDateTime,\no.estimated_resolution,\no.status AS OutageStatus\nFROM\nInvoice i\nJOIN\nSubscriber s ON i.SubscriberID = s.SubscriberID\nLEFT JOIN\nOutages o ON s.SubscriberID = o.SubscriberID\nWHERE\ns.CustomerID = 1 AND\n(i.PaymentStatus = 'Due' AND i.DueDate < DATE('now') OR\no.status = 'Active');",
        "allResultSets": true

​ Response Body:

            "luName": "Billing",
            "iid": "1",
            "version": 1711628351587,
            "action": "UPDATE",
            "notes": ""
            "INVOICEID": 2738,
            "DUEDATE": "2023-06-29",
            "TOTALAMOUNT": 8.09,
            "PAYMENTSTATUS": "Paid",
            "OUTAGEID": 4701,
            "OutageDateTime": "2024-02-27 22:29:31.184",
            "OutageStatus": "Active"
            "INVOICEID": 2742,
            "DUEDATE": "2023-07-29",
            "TOTALAMOUNT": 8.09,
            "PAYMENTSTATUS": "Paid",
            "OUTAGEID": 4701,
            "OutageDateTime": "2024-02-27 22:29:31.184",
            "OutageStatus": "Active"

GET /api/fabric-command?command=<fabric command/s>[&allResultSets=true|false]

Similar to the POST method but send the information using GET parameters.


POST /api/authenticate

Generate a JWT digitally signed cookie for Web-Services calls on the same session. Consequently, future Fabric Web-services calls will not require a token as a parameter.

The web service expects either an API Key to be sent in the request body or username and password, as follows:

  • Authenticate by apikey

    Request Body:

  "apikey": "string"
  • Authenticate by user/password

    Request Body:

  "username": "string",
  "password": "string",

Fabric isAlive

Indicates whether Fabric is up and running.

GET /api/isAlive


  • https://localhost:3213/api/isAlive
