Java functions can be bound to Graphit using a Web Service. To do so, create a Lambda expression based on the 'Scripter.F' functional interface in a key/value map entry, where the key contains the name of the function that is invoked in Graphit and the value contains its logic.
Web Service file: (can be found in the KB Demo Project under Project Tree > Web Services > Java)
Map<String, Object> scope = new HashMap<>();
// a map object named scope in which each entry will contain the function's name and its logic
scope.put("times3", (Scripter.F) p->(double)p[0] *3);
// call graphit with the scope
return graphit("LambdaGraphit1.graphit", scope);
Graphit file LambdaGraphit1.graphit: (can be found in the KB Demo Project under Project Tree > Web Services > resources).
Note that the above defined function times are called from the node field 1 (defined as a function) on a variable called dbl, declared in the parent node.
Output using the Swagger GUI:
Limitations: This type of function cannot be debugged in the Graphit Editor as the functional parameters cannot be created in the Studio. However, the code can be tested by either deploying it to Fabric or by debugging the Web Service code using the the IntelliJ editor.
Java functions can be bound to Graphit using a Web Service. To do so, create a Lambda expression based on the 'Scripter.F' functional interface in a key/value map entry, where the key contains the name of the function that is invoked in Graphit and the value contains its logic.
Web Service file: (can be found in the KB Demo Project under Project Tree > Web Services > Java)
Map<String, Object> scope = new HashMap<>();
// a map object named scope in which each entry will contain the function's name and its logic
scope.put("times3", (Scripter.F) p->(double)p[0] *3);
// call graphit with the scope
return graphit("LambdaGraphit1.graphit", scope);
Graphit file LambdaGraphit1.graphit: (can be found in the KB Demo Project under Project Tree > Web Services > resources).
Note that the above defined function times are called from the node field 1 (defined as a function) on a variable called dbl, declared in the parent node.
Output using the Swagger GUI:
Limitations: This type of function cannot be debugged in the Graphit Editor as the functional parameters cannot be created in the Studio. However, the code can be tested by either deploying it to Fabric or by debugging the Web Service code using the the IntelliJ editor.