Apache Kafka Cluster Setup

The provided Kafka package and setup scripts are designed for either a single node environment or a multi-node environment.

Follow the setup script for a correct configuration of the setting, depending on your environment.

Load the Package

  1. Log in with the previously-created user name designated for the Kafka installation.

  2. Download the latest Kafka package (located here).

  3. Untar the package in the desired directory (see notes below) as follows:

    tar -zxf k2view_kafka_7.xxx.tar.gz -C /opt/apps/kafka && source /opt/apps/kafka/.setenv_kafka.sh
The package name varies according to the version. The parent directory of Kafka and its supporting apps are stored in the environment variable `K2_HOME`. If using a directory other than `/opt/apps/kafka`, you will need to open the file `.setenv_kafka.sh` with the text editor of your preference and change the value of the environment variable `K2_HOME`.

Setting up Kafka

We provide a setup script (located in $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh) that will configure your Kafka cluster.

In version 7.3 and below, Kafka requires ZooKeeper (which is also configured during the setup) for its metadata management. Starting from version 7.4 and above, Kafka runs in KRaft mode by default, which doesn't require ZooKeeper. Although not recommended, this behavior can be changed by passing the flag --metadata-mgmt zookeeper.

For more information of all configurable parameters, run $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh --help.

Single Node Setup:

  1. Run the following command:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh --ip-list

    Once the script completes its execution, you should see a message Kafka UP (followed by ZooKeeper UP if running in ZooKeeper mode).

Multi-Node Setup:

The setup script should be run separately on each node, in the order of the designated node numbers. It should not be run simultaneously as this might cause configuration issues.

The number of cluster nodes should be either greater than or equal to the replication factor number.

Mandatory required details:

  • Node IPs
  • Replication factor
  1. Run the following command on the first node only:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh --ip-list,,  --replication-factor 3 --start-kafka-loop

    When you see the message "Starting Kafka (start loop enabled at HH:MM:SS, will timeout in N seconds)", you can start configuring the next node (but keep the terminal open).

  2. On the rest of the Kafka nodes, one by one, execute the following command:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh --ip-list,,  --replication-factor 3

    Once the script completes its execution, you should see a message Kafka UP (followed by ZooKeeper UP if running in ZooKeeper mode).

  3. To validate that Kafka is running properly on all nodes:

    See item "check the cluster's health" in section "Kafka Cluster - Start, Shutdown and Monitor" below.

Kafka Cluster - Start, Shutdown and Monitor

  • To stop Kafka (and ZooKeeper if running in ZooKeeper mode), run the following command:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh stop
  • To start Kafka (and ZooKeeper if running in ZooKeeper mode), run the following command:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh start
  • To verify that Kafka (and ZooKeeper if running in zookeeper mode) is running on a specific node:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh status
  • To check the cluster's health, run one of the following commands according to your configuration:

    In ZooKeeper mode:

    $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/zookeeper-shell localhost:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids"

    The following message should be displayed:

    Connecting to localhost:2181
    Welcome to ZooKeeper!
    JLine support is disabled
    WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
    [1, 2, 3]

    In KRaft mode:

    $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/kafka-metadata-quorum --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 describe --status

    The following message should be displayed:

    ClusterId:              K2ViewDocker-Cluster1A
    LeaderId:               1
    LeaderEpoch:            13
    HighWatermark:          2866
    MaxFollowerLag:         0
    MaxFollowerLagTimeMs:   0
    CurrentVoters:          [1,2,3]
    CurrentObservers:       []

Apache Kafka Cluster Setup

The provided Kafka package and setup scripts are designed for either a single node environment or a multi-node environment.

Follow the setup script for a correct configuration of the setting, depending on your environment.

Load the Package

  1. Log in with the previously-created user name designated for the Kafka installation.

  2. Download the latest Kafka package (located here).

  3. Untar the package in the desired directory (see notes below) as follows:

    tar -zxf k2view_kafka_7.xxx.tar.gz -C /opt/apps/kafka && source /opt/apps/kafka/.setenv_kafka.sh
The package name varies according to the version. The parent directory of Kafka and its supporting apps are stored in the environment variable `K2_HOME`. If using a directory other than `/opt/apps/kafka`, you will need to open the file `.setenv_kafka.sh` with the text editor of your preference and change the value of the environment variable `K2_HOME`.

Setting up Kafka

We provide a setup script (located in $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh) that will configure your Kafka cluster.

In version 7.3 and below, Kafka requires ZooKeeper (which is also configured during the setup) for its metadata management. Starting from version 7.4 and above, Kafka runs in KRaft mode by default, which doesn't require ZooKeeper. Although not recommended, this behavior can be changed by passing the flag --metadata-mgmt zookeeper.

For more information of all configurable parameters, run $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh --help.

Single Node Setup:

  1. Run the following command:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh --ip-list

    Once the script completes its execution, you should see a message Kafka UP (followed by ZooKeeper UP if running in ZooKeeper mode).

Multi-Node Setup:

The setup script should be run separately on each node, in the order of the designated node numbers. It should not be run simultaneously as this might cause configuration issues.

The number of cluster nodes should be either greater than or equal to the replication factor number.

Mandatory required details:

  • Node IPs
  • Replication factor
  1. Run the following command on the first node only:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh --ip-list,,  --replication-factor 3 --start-kafka-loop

    When you see the message "Starting Kafka (start loop enabled at HH:MM:SS, will timeout in N seconds)", you can start configuring the next node (but keep the terminal open).

  2. On the rest of the Kafka nodes, one by one, execute the following command:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh --ip-list,,  --replication-factor 3

    Once the script completes its execution, you should see a message Kafka UP (followed by ZooKeeper UP if running in ZooKeeper mode).

  3. To validate that Kafka is running properly on all nodes:

    See item "check the cluster's health" in section "Kafka Cluster - Start, Shutdown and Monitor" below.

Kafka Cluster - Start, Shutdown and Monitor

  • To stop Kafka (and ZooKeeper if running in ZooKeeper mode), run the following command:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh stop
  • To start Kafka (and ZooKeeper if running in ZooKeeper mode), run the following command:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh start
  • To verify that Kafka (and ZooKeeper if running in zookeeper mode) is running on a specific node:

    $K2_HOME/scripts/kafka-setup.sh status
  • To check the cluster's health, run one of the following commands according to your configuration:

    In ZooKeeper mode:

    $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/zookeeper-shell localhost:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids"

    The following message should be displayed:

    Connecting to localhost:2181
    Welcome to ZooKeeper!
    JLine support is disabled
    WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
    [1, 2, 3]

    In KRaft mode:

    $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/kafka-metadata-quorum --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 describe --status

    The following message should be displayed:

    ClusterId:              K2ViewDocker-Cluster1A
    LeaderId:               1
    LeaderEpoch:            13
    HighWatermark:          2866
    MaxFollowerLag:         0
    MaxFollowerLagTimeMs:   0
    CurrentVoters:          [1,2,3]
    CurrentObservers:       []