Please review the Prerequisites topic first. There are essential steps for installing and configuring Docker described in the prerequisites section. Please review these and the prerequisites.
An important step is to ensure that Docker and the Docker Compose plugin are installed. These are described in the 3rd Party Software topic, and the Docker and Docker Compose Installation topic.
If installing Docker on Microsoft Windows, it is essential to review the instructions for installing and using WSL. If running Docker Desktop on Microsoft Windows, you also need to enable the WSL Linux distribution.
The default administrator credentials are:
Ports Traefik employs the following ports:
Your Data Files
file and set by default to be in the Fabric Web Studio installation directory.Running on Microsoft Windows
Various steps should be taken to get Fabric Web Studio up and running within the Fabric Docker Compose Runtime environment:
You need to obtain credentials to access the K2view Nexus. Your K2view account representative can arrange this for you. If you do not have access, please contact your K2view representative, who can provide steps to help you through this process.
If Docker has not already been installed on your machine, please refer to the Docker and Docker Compose Installation topic.
The easiest and recommended way to get Docker Compose is to install Docker Desktop. Docker Desktop includes Docker Compose, Docker Engine, and Docker CLI, and all prerequisites for Compose. Please also refer to the Docker and Docker Compose Installation topic.
After installing a Git client on your machine, you must “clone” the K2view Blueprints to "download" them. These blueprints incorporate the Fabric Docker Compose Runtime installation files. The K2view Blueprints are hosted on (Internet access is required).
Where you clone the files depends on the operating system you use. There are different instructions depending if you are using Linux or MacOS, than those for Microsoft Windows.
Please note that persistent files created by Fabric Web Studio and the database instance you install will host their data in your installation directory's "persistent-data" folder (e.g., K2view/Studio/persistent-data). Your Fabric Space's data is stored in the persistent-data/spacename directory. The respective space's directory will contain data if you create multiple spaces. The location of the persistent data directory is configured in the .env
file and set by default to be in the Fabric Web Studio installation directory. This is a per-space configuration.
Select a Base Directory for your Download and Installation Directory Locations
First, please select a location to download the K2view Blueprint content. This base directory can also hold the Fabric Web Studio installation directory from where it will run.
Use the change directory command on your shell to switch to the designated base directory:
cd [base directory]
Create your Download and Installation Directory Location
Where you situate this installation directory depends on your needs. On a Linux system, you might consider /opt/apps/
. If you are installing on a Mac or Windows computer, the /home/username
or \users\username
directory, respectively, can be considered.
Keep in mind that persistent files created by Fabric Web Studio and the database instance you install will host their data in your installation directory's "persistent-data" folder (e.g.,
). Your Fabric Space's data is stored in the persistent-data/spacename directory. The respective space's directory will contain data if you create multiple spaces.
Using a shell, create a K2view
directory to download K2view's Blueprints. You can also use the K2view directory to hold the K2view Fabric Web Studio Installation directory. We recommend the use of K2view for this directory.
mkdir K2view
Using a Linux file system is highly recommended if you're installing on Microsoft Windows. It can be installed with the Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) and a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu. Doing so avoids performance problems using Docker on a native Windows file system. Please refer to the Docker and Docker Compose Installation topic for instructions on how to install WSL and a Linux distribution.
Not only should you avoid using the Windows file system, but you should also avoid using WSL's
mounted Windows file system. Instead, you should use the file system of the Linux distribution you installed, e.g.,/home/username/K2view
, to download and install the configuration files and hold the workspace data created by Fabric Web Studio.
Identify the Name of your WSL Linux Distribution
First, find the path to your Linux distribution's location (e.g., Ubuntu used in these examples) by running wsl --list
to obtain its name and then changing to its directory. If you enabled Windows Explorer navigation when you installed WSL, you can navigate directly to it under Explorer's "Linux" sidebar icon.
wsl --list
This will return the following. Ubuntu will be shown if you installed it as your Linux distribution.
Windows Subsystem for Linux Distributions:
docker-desktop (Default)
Change Directory to your Linux WSL Distribution
Then, change directory to \\wsl$\[distributionName]
- in this example "Ubuntu"
cd \\wsl$\Ubuntu
Select a Base Directory for your Download and Installation Directory Locations
Please select a directory where you will download the K2view Blueprints and install Fabric Web Studio. You can use your home directory in \\wsl$\ubuntu\home\[username]
. For example:
cd \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\[username]
Create your Download and Installation Directory Locations
Using a shell, create a K2view
directory to download K2view's Blueprints. You can also use the K2view directory to hold the K2view Fabric Web Studio Installation directory. We recommend the use of K2view for this directory.
mkdir K2view
There are two options to obtain the Docker Compose Runtime for Fabric Web Studio. You can download a zip file or clone the content from K2view's Blueprints.
You can download the latest version of Docker Compose Runtime for Fabric Web Studio from this location:
Then, change the directory to the K2view directory. Copy
to this directory, and unzip
. This will create the Studio
cd K2view
# copy to this directory
# unzip to this directory
The Studio directory contains the configuration, YAML, and the script files to configure and create your Fabric Web Studio spaces. Please refer to the What's in this Package topic above for details about these files.
You can now skip to Step 4: Configure Git and TLS.
Using a shell, change your directory to your K2view directory and run the following command to clone K2view Blueprints (this requires a prior installation of a Git client):
Using the prior example of the K2view
cd K2view
git clone
This will create a blueprints
directory with various subdirectories. The Studio
subdirectory holds the Fabric Web Studio installation files.
We recommend running Fabric Web Studio within the Studio
directory of the K2view
directory. From the K2view directory, copy the blueprints/Studio
directory as Studio
Using Linux or MacOS
From the K2view directory
cp -r blueprints/Studio/ Studio
Using the Microsoft Windows PowerShell
You must use the Linux file system to hold the Studio directory if using Microsoft Windows. Please review Step 2's "Using Microsoft Windows" section for details.
cp -r blueprints\Studio\ Studio
The Studio directory contains the configuration, YAML, and the script files to configure and create your Fabric Web Studio spaces. Please refer to the What's in this Package topic above for details about these files.
You should consider a few things, including configuring a Git repository for your project. Though not mandatory, it is a best practice to store your project files in Git (or in a Git-compliant code repository).
You can configure it before the creation of Fabric Space via the .env file. You can do so after starting Fabric Web Studio using its built-in Git client. Performing this step within Fabric Web Studio.
Configuring Git before Creating your Fabric Space
To do this, you must provide a token, a path to your Git repository, and the appropriate branch. You can create your initial space without this configuration. However, to configure it later, you must configure these values and recreate your space.
To configure Git, open the .env file and specify the following in the Git Integration section:
GIT_REPO - the Github repository URI to clone and store your project data.
GIT_BRANCH - the Git branch to use; the default is 'master'.
GIT_TOKEN - the token used to authenticate to your GitHub repository.
Fabric Web Studio will use these parameters to run an initial clone and Git operations. The initial clone performed will be:
git clone --single-branch -b "${GIT_BRANCH}" "https://${GIT_TOKEN}@${GIT_REPO}"
Traefik will use its own self-signed TLS certificates for HTTPS connections by default. The Certificate is created for you by default for the machine. If you want to use a certificate created by your organization, everything is pre-configured for you to do so. You need to open the ssl-certs
directory within the installation package's directory (e.g., K2view/Studio
), where you will find the ssl-certs
directory and replace the certificate and private key files.
These files must be named cert.cer
and cert.key
, respectively. The TLS certificate must be in PEM format and contain the server, root, and intermediate certificates, should they exist.
If you perform this step after the initial installation, you must restart Fabric for these to take effect.
There are four profiles, each of which embeds Fabric. The default is 'studio'.
Using the default profile, 'studio', you will not need to provide the profile on the
command line. Otherwise, you will need to enter one of the other profiles.
Docker and its Compose extension must be running on the server to perform this step.
Using the K2view Nexus Container Registry account provided to you, run the following command from the same directory that you have performed the git clone command - please note that you need to use sudo on some Linux systems depending on your permissions.
docker login -u [YourAccount]
You will be asked to enter your password.
Note: The Docker login command and the bash shell script require Internet access to log in and pull K2view Fabric images from the K2view Nexus Container Registry at
Should you not have Internet connectivity, you can use the Docker Image Offline Package Download procedure to download the file on a separate machine and copy it to the local installation directory. The file, a Docker Image, is about 1.9GB in size. The version of the image depends on what is configured in the
file. You will need to download the same version.By following this procedure, when the
script runs, the expected file will have already been loaded on the local machine and will not need to be downloaded from the Internet.
When creating a space, its name must consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores and start with either a letter or a number. You cannot use uppercase characters.
A Windows PowerShell-compatible script is not yet available.
file is a bash
To run the
script, you can use the WSL distribution bash shell. You can also use the Git Bash
applications offered by Git. Using WSL's bash
shell or Git Bash
you can run the script after you change the directory to its location.
You can you Windows Explorer to navigate to the Installation location you selected, e.g., /home/username/K2view/Studio
or \\wsl$\ubuntu\home\username\K2view>
depending how you are accessing the directory.
If you have WSL integration enabled within Windows Explorer, you can start either shell from Windows Explorer by navigating to the script's directory, right-clicking within the Explorer's window, and selecting 'Show more options'. This will display an 'Open terminal here' or 'Open Git Bash here' menu item that can be used to start your shell to run
First, change directory to your Installation directory, e.g., Studio
cd Studio
Ensuring you have Read-Other Permission on all .config files on Linux
You may need to have Read-Other permissions on the .config files on a Linux system. To do so use the chmod 644 [file]
command using:
chmod 644 *.config
Ensuring you have Execute Permission on Linux
You may need to make executable on a Linux system to do so use the chmod
command using:
chmod 700
Running the Script
You can create multiple Fabric spaces on your server. To do so, use the
script as shown here.
On some Linux systems, you may need to prefix the command with
./ create [--profile=profile-name] spacename
You can omit passing in a -- profile
parameter to use the default profile, 'studio'.
./ create spacename
Otherwise, please use the following --profile commands:
./ create --profile=studio_pg spacename
./ create --profile=studio_cass spacename
./ create --profile=studio_pg_cass spacename
You will download Fabric from the K2view Nexus Container Registry when creating your first Fabric Space. While this is happening, you should observe the following.
$ ./ create myspace
[+] Running 0/3
- fabric Pulling 177.1s
- init-fabric [⡀] 318.8MB / 1.964GB Pulling 177.1s
- e7a390e229e3 Downloading [========> ] 318.8MB/1.964GB
You have completed the installation and are ready to access Fabric Web Studio over HTTP or HTTPS.
Open a browser and connect to http://localhost/spacename
You can also connect to Fabric remotely, using https://[hostname or ip address]/spacename
Traefik will default use its own self-signed TLS certificates for HTTPS connections. The Certificate is created for you by default for the machine. If you want to use a certificate created by your organization, everything is pre-configured for you to do so. See the "Configuring TLS" topic above for instructions.
When presented with the login screen, enter:
If you access Fabric Web Studio, you have successfully installed it.
The Docker login command and the
bash shell script require Internet access to log in and pull K2view Fabric images from the K2view Nexus Container Registry at
Should you not have Internet connectivity, you can use this Docker Image Offline Package Download procedure to download the file on a separate machine and copy it to the local installation directory. The file, a Docker Image, is about 1.9GB in size. The version of the image depends on what is configured in the .env
file. You will need to download the same version.
Following this procedure, when the
script runs, the expected file will have already been loaded on the local machine and will not need to be downloaded from the Internet.
Here is the flow:
docker pull
docker save | gzip > k2view_fabric-studio_8.1.7_22.tar.gz
Copy the k2view_fabric-studio_8.1.7_22.tar.gz
file to the target machine.
On the target machine, load the image locally:
docker load -i k2view_fabric-studio_8.1.7_22.tar.gz
Doing this before you run the first
command ensures the file will be present on your system to create your first space and avoids downloading the file from the Internet.
Traefik Reverse Proxy:
docker pull traefik:latest
Socat Relay:
docker pull alpine/socat
Database containers as required: Postgres 15.8, Cassandra 4.1.5
docker pull postgres:15.8
docker pull cassandra:4.1.5
Please review the Prerequisites topic first. There are essential steps for installing and configuring Docker described in the prerequisites section. Please review these and the prerequisites.
An important step is to ensure that Docker and the Docker Compose plugin are installed. These are described in the 3rd Party Software topic, and the Docker and Docker Compose Installation topic.
If installing Docker on Microsoft Windows, it is essential to review the instructions for installing and using WSL. If running Docker Desktop on Microsoft Windows, you also need to enable the WSL Linux distribution.
The default administrator credentials are:
Ports Traefik employs the following ports:
Your Data Files
file and set by default to be in the Fabric Web Studio installation directory.Running on Microsoft Windows
Various steps should be taken to get Fabric Web Studio up and running within the Fabric Docker Compose Runtime environment:
You need to obtain credentials to access the K2view Nexus. Your K2view account representative can arrange this for you. If you do not have access, please contact your K2view representative, who can provide steps to help you through this process.
If Docker has not already been installed on your machine, please refer to the Docker and Docker Compose Installation topic.
The easiest and recommended way to get Docker Compose is to install Docker Desktop. Docker Desktop includes Docker Compose, Docker Engine, and Docker CLI, and all prerequisites for Compose. Please also refer to the Docker and Docker Compose Installation topic.
After installing a Git client on your machine, you must “clone” the K2view Blueprints to "download" them. These blueprints incorporate the Fabric Docker Compose Runtime installation files. The K2view Blueprints are hosted on (Internet access is required).
Where you clone the files depends on the operating system you use. There are different instructions depending if you are using Linux or MacOS, than those for Microsoft Windows.
Please note that persistent files created by Fabric Web Studio and the database instance you install will host their data in your installation directory's "persistent-data" folder (e.g., K2view/Studio/persistent-data). Your Fabric Space's data is stored in the persistent-data/spacename directory. The respective space's directory will contain data if you create multiple spaces. The location of the persistent data directory is configured in the .env
file and set by default to be in the Fabric Web Studio installation directory. This is a per-space configuration.
Select a Base Directory for your Download and Installation Directory Locations
First, please select a location to download the K2view Blueprint content. This base directory can also hold the Fabric Web Studio installation directory from where it will run.
Use the change directory command on your shell to switch to the designated base directory:
cd [base directory]
Create your Download and Installation Directory Location
Where you situate this installation directory depends on your needs. On a Linux system, you might consider /opt/apps/
. If you are installing on a Mac or Windows computer, the /home/username
or \users\username
directory, respectively, can be considered.
Keep in mind that persistent files created by Fabric Web Studio and the database instance you install will host their data in your installation directory's "persistent-data" folder (e.g.,
). Your Fabric Space's data is stored in the persistent-data/spacename directory. The respective space's directory will contain data if you create multiple spaces.
Using a shell, create a K2view
directory to download K2view's Blueprints. You can also use the K2view directory to hold the K2view Fabric Web Studio Installation directory. We recommend the use of K2view for this directory.
mkdir K2view
Using a Linux file system is highly recommended if you're installing on Microsoft Windows. It can be installed with the Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) and a Linux distribution such as Ubuntu. Doing so avoids performance problems using Docker on a native Windows file system. Please refer to the Docker and Docker Compose Installation topic for instructions on how to install WSL and a Linux distribution.
Not only should you avoid using the Windows file system, but you should also avoid using WSL's
mounted Windows file system. Instead, you should use the file system of the Linux distribution you installed, e.g.,/home/username/K2view
, to download and install the configuration files and hold the workspace data created by Fabric Web Studio.
Identify the Name of your WSL Linux Distribution
First, find the path to your Linux distribution's location (e.g., Ubuntu used in these examples) by running wsl --list
to obtain its name and then changing to its directory. If you enabled Windows Explorer navigation when you installed WSL, you can navigate directly to it under Explorer's "Linux" sidebar icon.
wsl --list
This will return the following. Ubuntu will be shown if you installed it as your Linux distribution.
Windows Subsystem for Linux Distributions:
docker-desktop (Default)
Change Directory to your Linux WSL Distribution
Then, change directory to \\wsl$\[distributionName]
- in this example "Ubuntu"
cd \\wsl$\Ubuntu
Select a Base Directory for your Download and Installation Directory Locations
Please select a directory where you will download the K2view Blueprints and install Fabric Web Studio. You can use your home directory in \\wsl$\ubuntu\home\[username]
. For example:
cd \\wsl$\Ubuntu\home\[username]
Create your Download and Installation Directory Locations
Using a shell, create a K2view
directory to download K2view's Blueprints. You can also use the K2view directory to hold the K2view Fabric Web Studio Installation directory. We recommend the use of K2view for this directory.
mkdir K2view
There are two options to obtain the Docker Compose Runtime for Fabric Web Studio. You can download a zip file or clone the content from K2view's Blueprints.
You can download the latest version of Docker Compose Runtime for Fabric Web Studio from this location:
Then, change the directory to the K2view directory. Copy
to this directory, and unzip
. This will create the Studio
cd K2view
# copy to this directory
# unzip to this directory
The Studio directory contains the configuration, YAML, and the script files to configure and create your Fabric Web Studio spaces. Please refer to the What's in this Package topic above for details about these files.
You can now skip to Step 4: Configure Git and TLS.
Using a shell, change your directory to your K2view directory and run the following command to clone K2view Blueprints (this requires a prior installation of a Git client):
Using the prior example of the K2view
cd K2view
git clone
This will create a blueprints
directory with various subdirectories. The Studio
subdirectory holds the Fabric Web Studio installation files.
We recommend running Fabric Web Studio within the Studio
directory of the K2view
directory. From the K2view directory, copy the blueprints/Studio
directory as Studio
Using Linux or MacOS
From the K2view directory
cp -r blueprints/Studio/ Studio
Using the Microsoft Windows PowerShell
You must use the Linux file system to hold the Studio directory if using Microsoft Windows. Please review Step 2's "Using Microsoft Windows" section for details.
cp -r blueprints\Studio\ Studio
The Studio directory contains the configuration, YAML, and the script files to configure and create your Fabric Web Studio spaces. Please refer to the What's in this Package topic above for details about these files.
You should consider a few things, including configuring a Git repository for your project. Though not mandatory, it is a best practice to store your project files in Git (or in a Git-compliant code repository).
You can configure it before the creation of Fabric Space via the .env file. You can do so after starting Fabric Web Studio using its built-in Git client. Performing this step within Fabric Web Studio.
Configuring Git before Creating your Fabric Space
To do this, you must provide a token, a path to your Git repository, and the appropriate branch. You can create your initial space without this configuration. However, to configure it later, you must configure these values and recreate your space.
To configure Git, open the .env file and specify the following in the Git Integration section:
GIT_REPO - the Github repository URI to clone and store your project data.
GIT_BRANCH - the Git branch to use; the default is 'master'.
GIT_TOKEN - the token used to authenticate to your GitHub repository.
Fabric Web Studio will use these parameters to run an initial clone and Git operations. The initial clone performed will be:
git clone --single-branch -b "${GIT_BRANCH}" "https://${GIT_TOKEN}@${GIT_REPO}"
Traefik will use its own self-signed TLS certificates for HTTPS connections by default. The Certificate is created for you by default for the machine. If you want to use a certificate created by your organization, everything is pre-configured for you to do so. You need to open the ssl-certs
directory within the installation package's directory (e.g., K2view/Studio
), where you will find the ssl-certs
directory and replace the certificate and private key files.
These files must be named cert.cer
and cert.key
, respectively. The TLS certificate must be in PEM format and contain the server, root, and intermediate certificates, should they exist.
If you perform this step after the initial installation, you must restart Fabric for these to take effect.
There are four profiles, each of which embeds Fabric. The default is 'studio'.
Using the default profile, 'studio', you will not need to provide the profile on the
command line. Otherwise, you will need to enter one of the other profiles.
Docker and its Compose extension must be running on the server to perform this step.
Using the K2view Nexus Container Registry account provided to you, run the following command from the same directory that you have performed the git clone command - please note that you need to use sudo on some Linux systems depending on your permissions.
docker login -u [YourAccount]
You will be asked to enter your password.
Note: The Docker login command and the bash shell script require Internet access to log in and pull K2view Fabric images from the K2view Nexus Container Registry at
Should you not have Internet connectivity, you can use the Docker Image Offline Package Download procedure to download the file on a separate machine and copy it to the local installation directory. The file, a Docker Image, is about 1.9GB in size. The version of the image depends on what is configured in the
file. You will need to download the same version.By following this procedure, when the
script runs, the expected file will have already been loaded on the local machine and will not need to be downloaded from the Internet.
When creating a space, its name must consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and underscores and start with either a letter or a number. You cannot use uppercase characters.
A Windows PowerShell-compatible script is not yet available.
file is a bash
To run the
script, you can use the WSL distribution bash shell. You can also use the Git Bash
applications offered by Git. Using WSL's bash
shell or Git Bash
you can run the script after you change the directory to its location.
You can you Windows Explorer to navigate to the Installation location you selected, e.g., /home/username/K2view/Studio
or \\wsl$\ubuntu\home\username\K2view>
depending how you are accessing the directory.
If you have WSL integration enabled within Windows Explorer, you can start either shell from Windows Explorer by navigating to the script's directory, right-clicking within the Explorer's window, and selecting 'Show more options'. This will display an 'Open terminal here' or 'Open Git Bash here' menu item that can be used to start your shell to run
First, change directory to your Installation directory, e.g., Studio
cd Studio
Ensuring you have Read-Other Permission on all .config files on Linux
You may need to have Read-Other permissions on the .config files on a Linux system. To do so use the chmod 644 [file]
command using:
chmod 644 *.config
Ensuring you have Execute Permission on Linux
You may need to make executable on a Linux system to do so use the chmod
command using:
chmod 700
Running the Script
You can create multiple Fabric spaces on your server. To do so, use the
script as shown here.
On some Linux systems, you may need to prefix the command with
./ create [--profile=profile-name] spacename
You can omit passing in a -- profile
parameter to use the default profile, 'studio'.
./ create spacename
Otherwise, please use the following --profile commands:
./ create --profile=studio_pg spacename
./ create --profile=studio_cass spacename
./ create --profile=studio_pg_cass spacename
You will download Fabric from the K2view Nexus Container Registry when creating your first Fabric Space. While this is happening, you should observe the following.
$ ./ create myspace
[+] Running 0/3
- fabric Pulling 177.1s
- init-fabric [⡀] 318.8MB / 1.964GB Pulling 177.1s
- e7a390e229e3 Downloading [========> ] 318.8MB/1.964GB
You have completed the installation and are ready to access Fabric Web Studio over HTTP or HTTPS.
Open a browser and connect to http://localhost/spacename
You can also connect to Fabric remotely, using https://[hostname or ip address]/spacename
Traefik will default use its own self-signed TLS certificates for HTTPS connections. The Certificate is created for you by default for the machine. If you want to use a certificate created by your organization, everything is pre-configured for you to do so. See the "Configuring TLS" topic above for instructions.
When presented with the login screen, enter:
If you access Fabric Web Studio, you have successfully installed it.
The Docker login command and the
bash shell script require Internet access to log in and pull K2view Fabric images from the K2view Nexus Container Registry at
Should you not have Internet connectivity, you can use this Docker Image Offline Package Download procedure to download the file on a separate machine and copy it to the local installation directory. The file, a Docker Image, is about 1.9GB in size. The version of the image depends on what is configured in the .env
file. You will need to download the same version.
Following this procedure, when the
script runs, the expected file will have already been loaded on the local machine and will not need to be downloaded from the Internet.
Here is the flow:
docker pull
docker save | gzip > k2view_fabric-studio_8.1.7_22.tar.gz
Copy the k2view_fabric-studio_8.1.7_22.tar.gz
file to the target machine.
On the target machine, load the image locally:
docker load -i k2view_fabric-studio_8.1.7_22.tar.gz
Doing this before you run the first
command ensures the file will be present on your system to create your first space and avoids downloading the file from the Internet.
Traefik Reverse Proxy:
docker pull traefik:latest
Socat Relay:
docker pull alpine/socat
Database containers as required: Postgres 15.8, Cassandra 4.1.5
docker pull postgres:15.8
docker pull cassandra:4.1.5