Table Population Properties Tab

The Properties Tab in the Table Population window displays additional information about different objects in the Population window, as follows:

Since each object has different properties, the tab’s layout is updated to display them when an object is selected in the map.

The properties include:

  • Basic information about the Population object. For example, Name or ID.
  • Specific properties of each object. For example, sync method of target LU table.
  • Link to open the object. For example, to edit the query or the function.
  • Input arguments (source only) or the Inputs default value, if applicable.

Source Object - DB Query Properties

Name, displays the DB query name. Editable field.

ID, generated by Fabric.

DB Connection, displays the DB interface of the Source Object. Non-editable.

SQL, displays the query. To edit it, click the Edit Query link.

Edit Query, link to the Query Builder.

Input Arguments , displays a list of Input arguments which are all True by default.

The fields that should be linked to the parent table are set to True. Other fields that do not need to be linked to a parent table can be set to False. In the DB query of a root table, only one field can be defined as True and is populated by the Instance ID.

Function Properties

The Function Properties tab displays the properties of either a source Root function or any Project function in the population.

Name, displays the function name. Non-editable.

ID, generated by Fabric.

Category, Non-editable.

Function Type, Non-editable.

Description, Non-editable.

Open Function, link to the Function window.

Inputs Default Value, displays the Input parameters of the function.

If the function object is a Root function, it must have at least one Input parameter.

If it is a Root function of a root table, it must have only one parameter.

Target LU Table Properties

Population Object Name, displays the object name. Non-editable field.

Table Name, displays the name of the target table. Non-editable.

ID and Root Item ID, generated by Fabric.

Mode displays the Table Population mode. There are four modes: Insert (default) / Upsert / Update / Delete.

Sync Method, displays the Table Population Sync method. There are four Sync methods: Inherited (default) / None / Time Interval / Decision Function.

Truncate Before Sync. True / False.

When Truncate Before Sync = True, the entire LU Table is truncated before the Table Population is executed. Therefore, there is a logical dependence between this setting and the mode.

  • If Mode = Insert, set Truncate Before Sync = True.
  • If Mode = Upsert, set Truncate Before Sync = False.

IID Finder, set the IID Finder properties on a population level used when creating the staging.xml file.

Open Table Schema - link to the Table Schema window.

Translation Properties

Name, displays the function name. Non-editable.

ID, generated by Fabric.

Input Not Found Action, indicates the system’s behavior when a matching Translation is not found. There are four options: Use Default / Reject Record / Reject Instance / Report and Use Default.

Is Import From SQL, False / True. Indicates whether the translation data was imported from SQL or not.

Open Translation, link to open the Translation window.

Inputs Default Value, displays the Input parameters of the Translation. A default value can be defined for each Input field that can be used if there is no link connected to the field or when an Input value = Null.

To remove the default value, right click the field and select either Clear Value or Set as Empty String.

Global Properties

Name, displays the Global name. Non-editable.

ID, generated by Fabric.

Value, displays Global value. Non-editable.


Constant Properties

Name, displays the Constant name. Editable field.

ID, generated by Fabric.

Value, displays the Constant value. Editable field.

Lookup Properties

Click for more information about Lookups properties.


Table Population Properties Tab

The Properties Tab in the Table Population window displays additional information about different objects in the Population window, as follows:

Since each object has different properties, the tab’s layout is updated to display them when an object is selected in the map.

The properties include:

  • Basic information about the Population object. For example, Name or ID.
  • Specific properties of each object. For example, sync method of target LU table.
  • Link to open the object. For example, to edit the query or the function.
  • Input arguments (source only) or the Inputs default value, if applicable.

Source Object - DB Query Properties

Name, displays the DB query name. Editable field.

ID, generated by Fabric.

DB Connection, displays the DB interface of the Source Object. Non-editable.

SQL, displays the query. To edit it, click the Edit Query link.

Edit Query, link to the Query Builder.

Input Arguments , displays a list of Input arguments which are all True by default.

The fields that should be linked to the parent table are set to True. Other fields that do not need to be linked to a parent table can be set to False. In the DB query of a root table, only one field can be defined as True and is populated by the Instance ID.

Function Properties

The Function Properties tab displays the properties of either a source Root function or any Project function in the population.

Name, displays the function name. Non-editable.

ID, generated by Fabric.

Category, Non-editable.

Function Type, Non-editable.

Description, Non-editable.

Open Function, link to the Function window.

Inputs Default Value, displays the Input parameters of the function.

If the function object is a Root function, it must have at least one Input parameter.

If it is a Root function of a root table, it must have only one parameter.

Target LU Table Properties

Population Object Name, displays the object name. Non-editable field.

Table Name, displays the name of the target table. Non-editable.

ID and Root Item ID, generated by Fabric.

Mode displays the Table Population mode. There are four modes: Insert (default) / Upsert / Update / Delete.

Sync Method, displays the Table Population Sync method. There are four Sync methods: Inherited (default) / None / Time Interval / Decision Function.

Truncate Before Sync. True / False.

When Truncate Before Sync = True, the entire LU Table is truncated before the Table Population is executed. Therefore, there is a logical dependence between this setting and the mode.

  • If Mode = Insert, set Truncate Before Sync = True.
  • If Mode = Upsert, set Truncate Before Sync = False.

IID Finder, set the IID Finder properties on a population level used when creating the staging.xml file.

Open Table Schema - link to the Table Schema window.

Translation Properties

Name, displays the function name. Non-editable.

ID, generated by Fabric.

Input Not Found Action, indicates the system’s behavior when a matching Translation is not found. There are four options: Use Default / Reject Record / Reject Instance / Report and Use Default.

Is Import From SQL, False / True. Indicates whether the translation data was imported from SQL or not.

Open Translation, link to open the Translation window.

Inputs Default Value, displays the Input parameters of the Translation. A default value can be defined for each Input field that can be used if there is no link connected to the field or when an Input value = Null.

To remove the default value, right click the field and select either Clear Value or Set as Empty String.

Global Properties

Name, displays the Global name. Non-editable.

ID, generated by Fabric.

Value, displays Global value. Non-editable.


Constant Properties

Name, displays the Constant name. Editable field.

ID, generated by Fabric.

Value, displays the Constant value. Editable field.

Lookup Properties

Click for more information about Lookups properties.
