The TABLES parameter can be populated by one or several LU tables, separated by a comma. Several LU tables can be included in a search only if they have the same list of Search fields (search indexes).
The Search Query parameter is populated by a JSON with Elasticsearch query.
The SEARCH command returns the records that match the search query. The following information is displayed for each record:
LUI of each record.
List of Search fields, defined in the specified LU table.
Score returned by Elasticsearch.
Search Command - Examples
The following contains examples of SEARCH commands for common use cases.
Note that the SEARCH command can run any search query, supposed by Elasticsearch.
To see the full list of search queries supported by the Elasticsearch in the Elasticsearch website:
Add a case-insensitive-match template to the Search options in the .k2proj file and select it as the type for the Search field. This setting is needed to enable case insensitive searches on the full email address. By default (text) - the @ and . chars split the tokens. Therefore, when using the default setting, the search command matches to
The fuzziness parameter defines the number of mistakes (typos) allowed. This parameter can support up to two mistakes.
By default, a swap of two adjacent characters (Orange vs. Ornage) is considered as an error by the fuzziness parameter. However, if you add the transpositions parameter to the search query and set it to false, the swap of two characters is considered as two mistakes.
Note that when the transposition parameter is set to false, two adjacent characters are considered as two mistakes. By default, this parameter is set to true.
5. Fuzzy Search on Special Characters, Case Insensitive Match
Add a case-insensitive-match template to the Search options in the .k2proj file and select it as the type for the Search field. This setting is needed to enable a case insensitive search on the full email address. By default (text), the @ and . chars split the tokens. Therefore, when using the default setting, the search command matches to
This matching rule only works for Text columns. If the LU table's column is set to another data type, the matching rule will not work.
Elasticsearch Method Options
match_phrase + slop. The value of the slop parameter defines the number of words that can be located between the words of the search. The default of the slop is zero.
Set the match method on each one of the required words.
Note that unlike the match method, the match_phrase does not support the use of fuzziness. To use fuzziness, use the match option.
Note that when using the must method, all conditions must match. However, when using the should method you can set a minimum_should_match parameter to define how many conditions need to match the search query.
The TABLES parameter can be populated by one or several LU tables, separated by a comma. Several LU tables can be included in a search only if they have the same list of Search fields (search indexes).
The Search Query parameter is populated by a JSON with Elasticsearch query.
The SEARCH command returns the records that match the search query. The following information is displayed for each record:
LUI of each record.
List of Search fields, defined in the specified LU table.
Score returned by Elasticsearch.
Search Command - Examples
The following contains examples of SEARCH commands for common use cases.
Note that the SEARCH command can run any search query, supposed by Elasticsearch.
To see the full list of search queries supported by the Elasticsearch in the Elasticsearch website:
Add a case-insensitive-match template to the Search options in the .k2proj file and select it as the type for the Search field. This setting is needed to enable case insensitive searches on the full email address. By default (text) - the @ and . chars split the tokens. Therefore, when using the default setting, the search command matches to
The fuzziness parameter defines the number of mistakes (typos) allowed. This parameter can support up to two mistakes.
By default, a swap of two adjacent characters (Orange vs. Ornage) is considered as an error by the fuzziness parameter. However, if you add the transpositions parameter to the search query and set it to false, the swap of two characters is considered as two mistakes.
Note that when the transposition parameter is set to false, two adjacent characters are considered as two mistakes. By default, this parameter is set to true.
5. Fuzzy Search on Special Characters, Case Insensitive Match
Add a case-insensitive-match template to the Search options in the .k2proj file and select it as the type for the Search field. This setting is needed to enable a case insensitive search on the full email address. By default (text), the @ and . chars split the tokens. Therefore, when using the default setting, the search command matches to
This matching rule only works for Text columns. If the LU table's column is set to another data type, the matching rule will not work.
Elasticsearch Method Options
match_phrase + slop. The value of the slop parameter defines the number of words that can be located between the words of the search. The default of the slop is zero.
Set the match method on each one of the required words.
Note that unlike the match method, the match_phrase does not support the use of fuzziness. To use fuzziness, use the match option.
Note that when using the must method, all conditions must match. However, when using the should method you can set a minimum_should_match parameter to define how many conditions need to match the search query.