SMTP Interface

The SMTP interface type defines the connections to the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server used to send and receive emails.

To create a new SMTP interface, do the following:

  1. Go to Project Tree > Shared Objects, right click Interfaces, select New Interface and then select SMTP from the Interface Type dropdown menu to open the New Interface window.


  2. Populate the connection's settings and Save.

Connection Settings

Parameter Description
To Recipient's email address
From Sender's email address
User Sender's user
Password  Sender's password
Host Email server host
Port Email server port

Example of Using an SMTP Interface in a Broadway Flow


The above Broadway flow uses an Email Actor to send an email via a predefined SMTP interface. If a recipient's input argument is provided, it overrides the interface's setting.


SMTP Interface

The SMTP interface type defines the connections to the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server used to send and receive emails.

To create a new SMTP interface, do the following:

  1. Go to Project Tree > Shared Objects, right click Interfaces, select New Interface and then select SMTP from the Interface Type dropdown menu to open the New Interface window.


  2. Populate the connection's settings and Save.

Connection Settings

Parameter Description
To Recipient's email address
From Sender's email address
User Sender's user
Password  Sender's password
Host Email server host
Port Email server port

Example of Using an SMTP Interface in a Broadway Flow


The above Broadway flow uses an Email Actor to send an email via a predefined SMTP interface. If a recipient's input argument is provided, it overrides the interface's setting.
