Trace Examples

Trace Sync from Source

Trace a database category to analyze the following:

  • Select statements run on source interfaces.
  • Timing as a result of a sync command.

The trace can be run on a global or session level.


A trace file named test1.fabrictrace has been created under $FABRIC_HOME/traces.

File content


Trace Web Service

Trace overall timing of a Web Service and drilldown into the sync process, check how long it takes to sync each table and population.


The getCustomerInfo Web Service was called after activating the Trace mechanism.

A trace file has been created under $FABRIC_HOME/traces called test2.fabrictrace.

File Content



Trace Examples

Trace Sync from Source

Trace a database category to analyze the following:

  • Select statements run on source interfaces.
  • Timing as a result of a sync command.

The trace can be run on a global or session level.


A trace file named test1.fabrictrace has been created under $FABRIC_HOME/traces.

File content


Trace Web Service

Trace overall timing of a Web Service and drilldown into the sync process, check how long it takes to sync each table and population.


The getCustomerInfo Web Service was called after activating the Trace mechanism.

A trace file has been created under $FABRIC_HOME/traces called test2.fabrictrace.

File Content

