Fabric 6.xx and TDM 7.xx - Single Node Configuration

Set up Cassandra

Load The Package

  1. Retrieve the latest Cassandra package (located at: latest version).

  2. Connect to the Linux execution server as a 'cassandra' user and copy the package to the home directory.

  3. Untar the package (the package name varies based on the version) as follows:

   tar -zxvf k2v_cassandra-3.11.xxx.tar.gz
  1. Update the .bash_profile to use python 2.7:
   sed -i '11i\alias python='/usr/bin/python2.7'\' ~/.bash_profile
   source ./.bash_profile
   # verified the Python version 
   python --version

Set up a Single Node Cassandra

Run the commands as shown below:

  1. Run the pre-setup commands.

  2. Start Cassandra.

  3. Run the post-setup commands.

Pre-Setup Run:

Update the following parameters if needed:

  • dc=
  • cluster_name:
sed -i "s@INSLATT_DIR=.*@INSLATT_DIR=$(pwd)@" .bash_profile
rm -rf  cassandra/data && ln -s /opt/apps/cassandra/storage/  cassandra/data
sed -i 's@dc=.*@dc=DC1@' $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra-rackdc.properties
sed -i 's@cluster_name: .*@cluster_name: 'integration'@' $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i s/seeds:.*/"seeds: $(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})"/g $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i s/listen_address:.*/"listen_address: $(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})"/g $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i s/broadcast_rpc_address:.*/"broadcast_rpc_address: $(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})"/g $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i 's@endpoint_snitch:.*@endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch@' $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i 's@LOCAL_JMX=.*@LOCAL_JMX='no'@' $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra-env.sh
sed -i "s@-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=.*@-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})\"@" $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra-env.sh
sed -i "s@-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=.*@-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=/opt/apps/cassandra/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password\"@" $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra-env.sh
echo "monitorRole QED" >> ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password
echo "controlRole R&D" >> ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password
echo "cassandra cassandra" >> ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password
echo "k2view Q1w2e3r4t5" >> ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password
chmod 400 ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password

Start Cassandra


Post-Setup Run on One Node

Create a new superuser for Cassandra and change the cassandra default user's password:

echo "create user k2admin with password 'Q1w2e3r4t5' superuser;" |cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
echo "ALTER user cassandra with PASSWORD 'ZBU3Ld35NvXU3qud' superuser;" |cqlsh -u k2admin -p Q1w2e3r4t5

Note: If you select to change the password from the example above, you will need to update it later on when you preconfigure Fabric. We refer the the following SED lines:

sed -i "s@#PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
sed -i "s@#PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini

Set up Kafka

Load the Package

  1. Download the package from: latest version.

  2. Connect to Linux as a 'kafka' user and copy the package to the home directory.

  3. Untar the package (the package name varies based on the version) as follows:

   tar -zxvf k2view_Confluent_5.xxx.tar.gz && bash -l
  1. Pre-setup:
   export kserver1=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})

   if [ "$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})" == "$kserver1" ]; then echo 1 > $K2_HOME/zk_data/myid; fi
   if [ "$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})" == "$kserver1" ]; then sed -i "s@broker.id=.@broker.id=1@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties ; fi

   sed -i "s@log.retention.minutes=.*@log.retention.hours=48@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@advertised.listeners=.*@advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:\/\/$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'}):9093@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@advertised.host.name=.*@advertised.host.name=PLAINTEXT:\/\/$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'}):9093@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@listeners=PLAINTEXT:\/\/.*@listeners=PLAINTEXT:\/\/$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'}):9093@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@zookeeper.connect=.*.@zookeeper.connect=$kserver1:2181@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   echo "default.replication.factor=3" >> $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@log.dirs=.*@log.dirs=$K2_HOME/zk_data@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@dataDir=.*@dataDir=$K2_HOME/zk_data@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/zookeeper.properties
   sed -i "s@server.1=.*@#server.1=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'}):2888:3888@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/zookeeper.properties
   echo "server.1=$kserver1:2888:3888" >> $CONFLUENT_HOME/zookeeper.properties
  1. Start Kafka and Zookeeper:
   $K2_HOME/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start -daemon $K2_HOME/kafka/zookeeper.properties
   sleep 10
   $K2_HOME/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start -daemon $K2_HOME/kafka/server.properties
  1. Verify that the Kafka and Zookeeper are running:
   $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/zookeeper-shell localhost:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids"

Setup for Fabric & TDM 7

Load the Package

  1. Download the package from the links that were provided to you.

  2. Untar the package:

   tar -zxvf [package name].tar.gz 
  1. Pre-setup:
   sed -i "s@K2_HOME=.*@K2_HOME=$(pwd)@" .bash_profile
   bash -l 
  • Assumption: Cassandra, Kafka and Fabric are running on the same node. If not, you have to update the IP's for: cserver1 and kserver1.
   # Cassandra IP
   export cserver1=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})
   # Kafka IP
   export kserver1=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})
   cp -r $K2_HOME/fabric/config.template $K2_HOME/config

   # update heap memory if you have minimume of 32G
   ## sed -i 's@-Xmx2G@-Xmx8G@' $INSLATT_DIR/config/jvm.options
   ## sed -i 's@-Xms2G@-Xms8G@' $INSLATT_DIR/config/jvm.options

   cp config/adminInitialCredentials.template config/adminInitialCredentials
   sed -i 's@user.*@k2consoleadmin/KW4RVG98RR9xcrTv@' config/adminInitialCredentials

   sed -i 's@#REPLICATION_OPTIONS=.*@REPLICATION_OPTIONS={ '"'"'class'"'"' : '"'"'NetworkTopologyStrategy'"'"', '"'"DC1"'"' : 1}@' $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@#HOSTS=.*@HOSTS=$cserver1@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@#USER=.*@USER=k2admin@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
  • In case of using Kafka + iidFinder, run the following commands as well:
   sed -i "s@#PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@#MESSAGES_BROKER_TYPE=.*@MESSAGES_BROKER_TYPE=KAFKA@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@#BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=.*@BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$kserver1:9093@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@HOSTS=.*@HOSTS=$cserver1@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#USER=.*@USER=k2admin@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=.*@KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$kserver1:9093@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#ZOOKEEPER_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=.*@ZOOKEEPER_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$kserver1:2181@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i 's@#IIF_REPLICATION_OPTIONS=.*@IIF_REPLICATION_OPTIONS={ '"'"'class'"'"' : '"'"'NetworkTopologyStrategy'"'"', '"'"DC1"'"' : 1}@' $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=.*@BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$kserver1:9093@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Note that the Fabric Admin user is now defined as k2consoleadmin.

  1. Start Fabric:
   k2fabric start && k2fabric status
  1. Connect to the Fabric console with:
   fabric -u k2consoleadmin -p KW4RVG98RR9xcrTv
  • The same user and password should be used for logging in to the Web Framework.


TDM 7.xx is certified with PGSQL 9.6 & 13. If you prefer to use a pre-existing postgres instance, you can provide its connection details. TDM requires a user and a password with full create, delete and update privileges.

The customer can provide the PGSQL, or he/she can find the below installation instructions for the K2View pre-configured PGSQL package:

Fabric 6.xx and TDM 7.xx - Single Node Configuration

Set up Cassandra

Load The Package

  1. Retrieve the latest Cassandra package (located at: latest version).

  2. Connect to the Linux execution server as a 'cassandra' user and copy the package to the home directory.

  3. Untar the package (the package name varies based on the version) as follows:

   tar -zxvf k2v_cassandra-3.11.xxx.tar.gz
  1. Update the .bash_profile to use python 2.7:
   sed -i '11i\alias python='/usr/bin/python2.7'\' ~/.bash_profile
   source ./.bash_profile
   # verified the Python version 
   python --version

Set up a Single Node Cassandra

Run the commands as shown below:

  1. Run the pre-setup commands.

  2. Start Cassandra.

  3. Run the post-setup commands.

Pre-Setup Run:

Update the following parameters if needed:

  • dc=
  • cluster_name:
sed -i "s@INSLATT_DIR=.*@INSLATT_DIR=$(pwd)@" .bash_profile
rm -rf  cassandra/data && ln -s /opt/apps/cassandra/storage/  cassandra/data
sed -i 's@dc=.*@dc=DC1@' $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra-rackdc.properties
sed -i 's@cluster_name: .*@cluster_name: 'integration'@' $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i s/seeds:.*/"seeds: $(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})"/g $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i s/listen_address:.*/"listen_address: $(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})"/g $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i s/broadcast_rpc_address:.*/"broadcast_rpc_address: $(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})"/g $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i 's@endpoint_snitch:.*@endpoint_snitch: GossipingPropertyFileSnitch@' $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra.yaml
sed -i 's@LOCAL_JMX=.*@LOCAL_JMX='no'@' $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra-env.sh
sed -i "s@-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=.*@-Djava.rmi.server.hostname=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})\"@" $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra-env.sh
sed -i "s@-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=.*@-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file=/opt/apps/cassandra/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password\"@" $INSLATT_DIR/cassandra/conf/cassandra-env.sh
echo "monitorRole QED" >> ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password
echo "controlRole R&D" >> ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password
echo "cassandra cassandra" >> ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password
echo "k2view Q1w2e3r4t5" >> ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password
chmod 400 ~/cassandra/conf/.jmxremote.password

Start Cassandra


Post-Setup Run on One Node

Create a new superuser for Cassandra and change the cassandra default user's password:

echo "create user k2admin with password 'Q1w2e3r4t5' superuser;" |cqlsh -u cassandra -p cassandra
echo "ALTER user cassandra with PASSWORD 'ZBU3Ld35NvXU3qud' superuser;" |cqlsh -u k2admin -p Q1w2e3r4t5

Note: If you select to change the password from the example above, you will need to update it later on when you preconfigure Fabric. We refer the the following SED lines:

sed -i "s@#PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
sed -i "s@#PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini

Set up Kafka

Load the Package

  1. Download the package from: latest version.

  2. Connect to Linux as a 'kafka' user and copy the package to the home directory.

  3. Untar the package (the package name varies based on the version) as follows:

   tar -zxvf k2view_Confluent_5.xxx.tar.gz && bash -l
  1. Pre-setup:
   export kserver1=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})

   if [ "$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})" == "$kserver1" ]; then echo 1 > $K2_HOME/zk_data/myid; fi
   if [ "$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})" == "$kserver1" ]; then sed -i "s@broker.id=.@broker.id=1@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties ; fi

   sed -i "s@log.retention.minutes=.*@log.retention.hours=48@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@advertised.listeners=.*@advertised.listeners=PLAINTEXT:\/\/$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'}):9093@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@advertised.host.name=.*@advertised.host.name=PLAINTEXT:\/\/$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'}):9093@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@listeners=PLAINTEXT:\/\/.*@listeners=PLAINTEXT:\/\/$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'}):9093@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@zookeeper.connect=.*.@zookeeper.connect=$kserver1:2181@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   echo "default.replication.factor=3" >> $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@log.dirs=.*@log.dirs=$K2_HOME/zk_data@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/server.properties
   sed -i "s@dataDir=.*@dataDir=$K2_HOME/zk_data@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/zookeeper.properties
   sed -i "s@server.1=.*@#server.1=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'}):2888:3888@" $CONFLUENT_HOME/zookeeper.properties
   echo "server.1=$kserver1:2888:3888" >> $CONFLUENT_HOME/zookeeper.properties
  1. Start Kafka and Zookeeper:
   $K2_HOME/kafka/bin/zookeeper-server-start -daemon $K2_HOME/kafka/zookeeper.properties
   sleep 10
   $K2_HOME/kafka/bin/kafka-server-start -daemon $K2_HOME/kafka/server.properties
  1. Verify that the Kafka and Zookeeper are running:
   $CONFLUENT_HOME/bin/zookeeper-shell localhost:2181 <<< "ls /brokers/ids"

Setup for Fabric & TDM 7

Load the Package

  1. Download the package from the links that were provided to you.

  2. Untar the package:

   tar -zxvf [package name].tar.gz 
  1. Pre-setup:
   sed -i "s@K2_HOME=.*@K2_HOME=$(pwd)@" .bash_profile
   bash -l 
  • Assumption: Cassandra, Kafka and Fabric are running on the same node. If not, you have to update the IP's for: cserver1 and kserver1.
   # Cassandra IP
   export cserver1=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})
   # Kafka IP
   export kserver1=$(hostname -I |awk {'print $1'})
   cp -r $K2_HOME/fabric/config.template $K2_HOME/config

   # update heap memory if you have minimume of 32G
   ## sed -i 's@-Xmx2G@-Xmx8G@' $INSLATT_DIR/config/jvm.options
   ## sed -i 's@-Xms2G@-Xms8G@' $INSLATT_DIR/config/jvm.options

   cp config/adminInitialCredentials.template config/adminInitialCredentials
   sed -i 's@user.*@k2consoleadmin/KW4RVG98RR9xcrTv@' config/adminInitialCredentials

   sed -i 's@#REPLICATION_OPTIONS=.*@REPLICATION_OPTIONS={ '"'"'class'"'"' : '"'"'NetworkTopologyStrategy'"'"', '"'"DC1"'"' : 1}@' $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@#HOSTS=.*@HOSTS=$cserver1@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@#USER=.*@USER=k2admin@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
  • In case of using Kafka + iidFinder, run the following commands as well:
   sed -i "s@#PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@#MESSAGES_BROKER_TYPE=.*@MESSAGES_BROKER_TYPE=KAFKA@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@#BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=.*@BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$kserver1:9093@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
   sed -i "s@HOSTS=.*@HOSTS=$cserver1@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#USER=.*@USER=k2admin@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=.*@KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$kserver1:9093@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#ZOOKEEPER_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=.*@ZOOKEEPER_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$kserver1:2181@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i 's@#IIF_REPLICATION_OPTIONS=.*@IIF_REPLICATION_OPTIONS={ '"'"'class'"'"' : '"'"'NetworkTopologyStrategy'"'"', '"'"DC1"'"' : 1}@' $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini
   sed -i "s@#BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=.*@BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$kserver1:9093@" $K2_HOME/config/iifConfig.ini

:notebook_with_decorative_cover: Note that the Fabric Admin user is now defined as k2consoleadmin.

  1. Start Fabric:
   k2fabric start && k2fabric status
  1. Connect to the Fabric console with:
   fabric -u k2consoleadmin -p KW4RVG98RR9xcrTv
  • The same user and password should be used for logging in to the Web Framework.


TDM 7.xx is certified with PGSQL 9.6 & 13. If you prefer to use a pre-existing postgres instance, you can provide its connection details. TDM requires a user and a password with full create, delete and update privileges.

The customer can provide the PGSQL, or he/she can find the below installation instructions for the K2View pre-configured PGSQL package: