Connect Fabric to Cassandra in TLS mode

The following steps for connecting Fabric to Cassandra in TLS mode

Step 1 - Transfer The Cassandra Keys and Certificates to All Fabric Nodes

Tar and copy them to all Fabric nodes in the cluster.

  1. prepare tar file with all the certificates on one of the cassandra nodes as in the example bellow
   tar -czvf keys.tar.gz -C $INSLATT_DIR/.cassandra_ssl .
  1. copy to the fabric nodes
   # copy to all Fabric nodes
   # represents IP address of each node
   scp keys.tar.gz fabric@

In case Docker installation use following commands to copy between running containers

   docker cp cassandra:/opt/apps/cassandra/keys.tar.gz ./
   docker cp keys.tar.gz fabric:/usr/local/k2view/

Step 2 - Set Fabric to connect to Cassandra

  1. Stop Fabric k2fabric stop

  2. extract the keys.tar.gz file

   mkdir -p $K2_HOME/.cassandra_ssl && tar -zxvf keys.tar.gz -C $K2_HOME/.cassandra_ssl
  1. Edit the $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options file using the appropriate passwords and certification files:

    sed -i "s@#SSL=false@SSL=true@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
    sed -i "s@#PORT=$.*@PORT=9142@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
    sed -i "s@^USER=.*@USER=k2admin@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
    sed -i "s@^PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
    sed -i '*$K2_HOME/.cassandra_ssl/cassandra.keystore@g' $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options
    sed -i '*' $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options
    sed -i '*$K2_HOME/.cassandra_ssl/cassandra.truststore@g' $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options
    sed -i '*' $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options
  2. Start the Fabric service on each node: k2fabric start


Connect Fabric to Cassandra in TLS mode

The following steps for connecting Fabric to Cassandra in TLS mode

Step 1 - Transfer The Cassandra Keys and Certificates to All Fabric Nodes

Tar and copy them to all Fabric nodes in the cluster.

  1. prepare tar file with all the certificates on one of the cassandra nodes as in the example bellow
   tar -czvf keys.tar.gz -C $INSLATT_DIR/.cassandra_ssl .
  1. copy to the fabric nodes
   # copy to all Fabric nodes
   # represents IP address of each node
   scp keys.tar.gz fabric@

In case Docker installation use following commands to copy between running containers

   docker cp cassandra:/opt/apps/cassandra/keys.tar.gz ./
   docker cp keys.tar.gz fabric:/usr/local/k2view/

Step 2 - Set Fabric to connect to Cassandra

  1. Stop Fabric k2fabric stop

  2. extract the keys.tar.gz file

   mkdir -p $K2_HOME/.cassandra_ssl && tar -zxvf keys.tar.gz -C $K2_HOME/.cassandra_ssl
  1. Edit the $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options file using the appropriate passwords and certification files:

    sed -i "s@#SSL=false@SSL=true@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
    sed -i "s@#PORT=$.*@PORT=9142@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
    sed -i "s@^USER=.*@USER=k2admin@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
    sed -i "s@^PASSWORD=.*@PASSWORD=Q1w2e3r4t5@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
    sed -i '*$K2_HOME/.cassandra_ssl/cassandra.keystore@g' $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options
    sed -i '*' $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options
    sed -i '*$K2_HOME/.cassandra_ssl/cassandra.truststore@g' $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options
    sed -i '*' $K2_HOME/config/jvm.options
  2. Start the Fabric service on each node: k2fabric start
