A Delete task contains only the Delete task type and deletes (cleans) the selected entities from the target environment. The delete task also releases the cleaned entities if the entity is reserved.
Note that the deleted flows must be implemented in the Fabric implementation.
Click for more information about the delete implementation.
A Delete task contains the following tabs:
When checking the Set Task Variables setting, a new Task Variables tab opens.
The following execution parameters are set on Delete tasks:
Check the Entities to delete the requested entities from the target environment.
Check to open the Task Variables tab and set the variable value on a task level.
Select all, partial, or one post execution process of the selected BE.
This tab defines the subset of entities for the task:
The following selection methods are available on load tasks:
This is the default option. Populate the list of entities for the task, separating them with a comma. Note that a warning is given if the entity list has entities that are reserved for another user.
Select a Broadway flow to get the entity list for the task and set the maximum number of entities for the task.
TDM supports the creation of external input parameters on a Custom Logic Flow. In this case, the TDM Portal displays the input parameters in the task window, enabling the user to send values for these parameters.
The Filter out Reserved Entities checkbox has been added in TDM 7.6 and it indicates if entities that are reserved for other users must be filtered out from the task's entity list. If checked, these entities are filtered out from the task's entity list.
See example:
A Delete task contains only the Delete task type and deletes (cleans) the selected entities from the target environment. The delete task also releases the cleaned entities if the entity is reserved.
Note that the deleted flows must be implemented in the Fabric implementation.
Click for more information about the delete implementation.
A Delete task contains the following tabs:
When checking the Set Task Variables setting, a new Task Variables tab opens.
The following execution parameters are set on Delete tasks:
Check the Entities to delete the requested entities from the target environment.
Check to open the Task Variables tab and set the variable value on a task level.
Select all, partial, or one post execution process of the selected BE.
This tab defines the subset of entities for the task:
The following selection methods are available on load tasks:
This is the default option. Populate the list of entities for the task, separating them with a comma. Note that a warning is given if the entity list has entities that are reserved for another user.
Select a Broadway flow to get the entity list for the task and set the maximum number of entities for the task.
TDM supports the creation of external input parameters on a Custom Logic Flow. In this case, the TDM Portal displays the input parameters in the task window, enabling the user to send values for these parameters.
The Filter out Reserved Entities checkbox has been added in TDM 7.6 and it indicates if entities that are reserved for other users must be filtered out from the task's entity list. If checked, these entities are filtered out from the task's entity list.
See example: