Jobs are defined in the Fabric Studio and can be saved to a project file and be deployed to the Fabric Server. A Job can be a Java function or a simple command.
Go to the Project Tree > LU > Java > Category and right click New Function to display the Function Editor window.
Write the User Job function using the Function Editor window, or IntelliJ IDE:
//writing into a file;
while (test<5 && !isAborted()){
inSecTime=test*10; // value returned by user job function
FileWriter myWriter = new FileWriter("job_test4.txt",true);
myWriter.write("Test Number: "+ test +"::->" + 10*test + " seconds have passed since ...");
Set the Function Type to the User Job value in the right panel. Once the job is triggered, the following Java user code writes a line into a new file job_test.txt every second until the counter test reaches the value 5. The output file is located in the Fabric Home directory.
Note that the loop control parameter (variable test) is defined as an input parameter of the User Job function, and that a second variable inSecTime is also defined as an output parameter. As such, its value is recorded in the argument field of the k2_jobs table in the k2system keyspace.
Name and save the function.
Go to the Project Tree > your LU > Jobs.
Jobs can be created also as References regardless of the specific LU. In the Job table, enter the values pertaining to the Job.
Right click the LU in the Project Tree, deploy and then search for the file in the Fabric Home directory.
Jobs are defined in the Fabric Studio and can be saved to a project file and be deployed to the Fabric Server. A Job can be created using a BroadwayJob actor and executed either using a flow or by Fabric command.
The job can be created using a BroadwayJob actor in the deploy.flow of the required LU.
The BroadwayJob actor provides the ability to trigger a Fabric Job that will in turn execute another Broadway flow once or multiple times depending upon the configuration of the job.
To use this capability, simply select the actor from the Add Actors To Stage menu in the Broadway Flow panel, as illustrated below:
The following parameters are to be filled in the Properties tab:
Note that both flowName and UID can either be chosen by the user or attributed automatically by Fabric.
schedule - the execution frequency of the job, which can be either one of the following:
affinity - sets which node/DC name IP address is to be used to run the Broadway job
params - refers to the arguments that can be parsed to the Broadway flow. For example, multiple parameters can be parsed as a key/value object from an external link.
Jobs are defined in the Fabric Studio and can be saved to a project file and be deployed to the Fabric Server. A Job can be a Java function or a simple command.
Go to the Project Tree > LU > Java > Category and right click New Function to display the Function Editor window.
Write the User Job function using the Function Editor window, or IntelliJ IDE:
//writing into a file;
while (test<5 && !isAborted()){
inSecTime=test*10; // value returned by user job function
FileWriter myWriter = new FileWriter("job_test4.txt",true);
myWriter.write("Test Number: "+ test +"::->" + 10*test + " seconds have passed since ...");
Set the Function Type to the User Job value in the right panel. Once the job is triggered, the following Java user code writes a line into a new file job_test.txt every second until the counter test reaches the value 5. The output file is located in the Fabric Home directory.
Note that the loop control parameter (variable test) is defined as an input parameter of the User Job function, and that a second variable inSecTime is also defined as an output parameter. As such, its value is recorded in the argument field of the k2_jobs table in the k2system keyspace.
Name and save the function.
Go to the Project Tree > your LU > Jobs.
Jobs can be created also as References regardless of the specific LU. In the Job table, enter the values pertaining to the Job.
Right click the LU in the Project Tree, deploy and then search for the file in the Fabric Home directory.
Jobs are defined in the Fabric Studio and can be saved to a project file and be deployed to the Fabric Server. A Job can be created using a BroadwayJob actor and executed either using a flow or by Fabric command.
The job can be created using a BroadwayJob actor in the deploy.flow of the required LU.
The BroadwayJob actor provides the ability to trigger a Fabric Job that will in turn execute another Broadway flow once or multiple times depending upon the configuration of the job.
To use this capability, simply select the actor from the Add Actors To Stage menu in the Broadway Flow panel, as illustrated below:
The following parameters are to be filled in the Properties tab:
Note that both flowName and UID can either be chosen by the user or attributed automatically by Fabric.
schedule - the execution frequency of the job, which can be either one of the following:
affinity - sets which node/DC name IP address is to be used to run the Broadway job
params - refers to the arguments that can be parsed to the Broadway flow. For example, multiple parameters can be parsed as a key/value object from an external link.