Fabric 7.x Setup Guide

Fabric Pre-Installation Steps

For a proper operation, Fabric relies on a few system settings and 3rd party solutions. K2view provide optional packages for Cassandra and Kafka to assist with installation, however the vendor installtion packages can be used.

Cassandra or equivalent, is needed for all installation types, and Kafka is required only for multi-nodes Fabric environment. Follow the below steps, depending on the environment that you plan to use:

  1. Click here to get the full list of activities to be performed prior to the installation of the Fabric Environment. Note that this is mandatory and should be performed on each server in the environment.
  2. Click here for instructions on how to install a Cassandra instance or a cluster with K2view's supplied package.
  3. Click here for instructions on how to install a Kafka instance or a cluster with K2view's supplied package.

Fabric Setup

Fabric Server Installation package will be supplied to you by K2view.

Install the Package

  1. Log in with the previously created user for the Fabric installation.

  2. Download the package from the links that were provided to you.

  3. Untar the package in the user home folder (/opt/apps/fabric):

   tar -zxf [package name].tar.gz -C /opt/apps/fabric && source .bash_profile

Set up the Fabric Nodes

The following script should be run on the first node separately; once the setup is done and the Fabric node status is 'READY', run the same command on the rest of the Fabric nodes.

Mandatory required details:

  • Cassandra seed node IPs
  • Cassandra user & password (if different from the default in the Cassandra setup)
  • Kafka node IPs (if kafka_ips is not provided, the PubSub will run 'in memory')
  1. Run the following command, replacing the parameters with your own environment:
/opt/apps/fabric/fabric/scripts/fabric-setup.sh --cassandra_user k2admin --cassandra_password changeit --cassandra_ips,,  --kafka_ips,, 
  • If the Cassanda & Kafka are Hardened with SSL, add the switch --ssl to import the certificate to Fabric Truststore
/opt/apps/fabric/fabric/scripts/fabric-setup.sh --cassandra_user k2admin --cassandra_password changeit --cassandra_ips,,  --kafka_ips,, --ssl

The above are examples for standard and simple Fabric installations. For more information about memory, Cassandra replication factor and additional configuration options, run:

/opt/apps/fabric/scripts/fabric-setup.sh --help
  1. To start Fabric - run:
/opt/apps/fabric/fabric/bin/k2fabric start

After a short while, the following message will be displayed:

++++ Fabric is READY
  1. Repeat and implement steps 1 & 2 on the rest of the nodes.

Note: Default login details are User: admin and Password: admin. To change from the default credentials, read here - Replace the Fabric Default Admin Password.

Fabric server - Start, Shutdown and Status

  • To stop Fabric, run the following command on each node:

    /opt/apps/fabric/fabric/bin/k2fabric stop
  • To start Fabric, run the following command on each node:

    /opt/apps/fabric/fabric/bin/k2fabric start
  • To check the node status, run the following command:

    /opt/apps/fabric/fabric/bin/k2fabric status

For more information about an advanced setup, read below:

Fabric 7.x Setup Guide

Fabric Pre-Installation Steps

For a proper operation, Fabric relies on a few system settings and 3rd party solutions. K2view provide optional packages for Cassandra and Kafka to assist with installation, however the vendor installtion packages can be used.

Cassandra or equivalent, is needed for all installation types, and Kafka is required only for multi-nodes Fabric environment. Follow the below steps, depending on the environment that you plan to use:

  1. Click here to get the full list of activities to be performed prior to the installation of the Fabric Environment. Note that this is mandatory and should be performed on each server in the environment.
  2. Click here for instructions on how to install a Cassandra instance or a cluster with K2view's supplied package.
  3. Click here for instructions on how to install a Kafka instance or a cluster with K2view's supplied package.

Fabric Setup

Fabric Server Installation package will be supplied to you by K2view.

Install the Package

  1. Log in with the previously created user for the Fabric installation.

  2. Download the package from the links that were provided to you.

  3. Untar the package in the user home folder (/opt/apps/fabric):

   tar -zxf [package name].tar.gz -C /opt/apps/fabric && source .bash_profile

Set up the Fabric Nodes

The following script should be run on the first node separately; once the setup is done and the Fabric node status is 'READY', run the same command on the rest of the Fabric nodes.

Mandatory required details:

  • Cassandra seed node IPs
  • Cassandra user & password (if different from the default in the Cassandra setup)
  • Kafka node IPs (if kafka_ips is not provided, the PubSub will run 'in memory')
  1. Run the following command, replacing the parameters with your own environment:
/opt/apps/fabric/fabric/scripts/fabric-setup.sh --cassandra_user k2admin --cassandra_password changeit --cassandra_ips,,  --kafka_ips,, 
  • If the Cassanda & Kafka are Hardened with SSL, add the switch --ssl to import the certificate to Fabric Truststore
/opt/apps/fabric/fabric/scripts/fabric-setup.sh --cassandra_user k2admin --cassandra_password changeit --cassandra_ips,,  --kafka_ips,, --ssl

The above are examples for standard and simple Fabric installations. For more information about memory, Cassandra replication factor and additional configuration options, run:

/opt/apps/fabric/scripts/fabric-setup.sh --help
  1. To start Fabric - run:
/opt/apps/fabric/fabric/bin/k2fabric start

After a short while, the following message will be displayed:

++++ Fabric is READY
  1. Repeat and implement steps 1 & 2 on the rest of the nodes.

Note: Default login details are User: admin and Password: admin. To change from the default credentials, read here - Replace the Fabric Default Admin Password.

Fabric server - Start, Shutdown and Status

  • To stop Fabric, run the following command on each node:

    /opt/apps/fabric/fabric/bin/k2fabric stop
  • To start Fabric, run the following command on each node:

    /opt/apps/fabric/fabric/bin/k2fabric start
  • To check the node status, run the following command:

    /opt/apps/fabric/fabric/bin/k2fabric status

For more information about an advanced setup, read below: