A TDM task enables you to select a subset of entities based on a predefined list of parameters. For example, copy 10 business customers in Billing Cycle 1 that are located in NY. The parameters that are available for the task are attached to the LUs of the task's Business Entity. Parameters are defined at an LU level.
TDM 9.1 has added a new mode of parameters' handling: parameters coupling. The regular parameters' mode supports isolated business parameters in a parameters search. However, per the newly added parameters coupling capability, multiple parameters can be taken into account and joined, for an optimized param search that leads to intersection finding. This is done based on the LU schema structure and the relations between the LU tables.
Examples of parameters coupling:
The parameters' mode is set in the TDM_GENERAL_PARAMETER table in a parameter named PARAMS_COUPLING and impacts all the TDM Business Entities (BEs). By default, this parameter is false. Set this parameter to true in order to use the parameters coupling mode.
Combo parameters are parameters with a limited number of possible values. The TDM portal displays a drop-down list of all possible values, enabling the user to select one of the values in the task. The maximum number of possible values for combo parameters is set in a shared Global named COMBO_MAX_COUNT.
Edit the COMBO_MAX_COUNT shared Global imported from the TDM Library, if needed. By default, the Global is populated with 100 and is checked when creating a TDM task using a parameters selection method. Suppose the number of possible values in the TDM Parameters tables is less than or equals to the COMBO_MAX_COUNT value. In that case, the parameter is handled as a combo parameter, and a list of all possible values for this parameter is displayed. If a value is not selected from the list, the parameter has more values than the threshold defined in COMBO_MAX_COUNT Global and you must enter the value in the parameter.
Note that if the COMBO_MAX_COUNT Global is updated after executing Extract tasks, it is required to repopulate the tdm_params_distinct_values TDM DB table:
Each mode requires its own implementation. Read the implementation guidelines for each mode:
Parameters Handling - Regular Mode
A TDM task enables you to select a subset of entities based on a predefined list of parameters. For example, copy 10 business customers in Billing Cycle 1 that are located in NY. The parameters that are available for the task are attached to the LUs of the task's Business Entity. Parameters are defined at an LU level.
TDM 9.1 has added a new mode of parameters' handling: parameters coupling. The regular parameters' mode supports isolated business parameters in a parameters search. However, per the newly added parameters coupling capability, multiple parameters can be taken into account and joined, for an optimized param search that leads to intersection finding. This is done based on the LU schema structure and the relations between the LU tables.
Examples of parameters coupling:
The parameters' mode is set in the TDM_GENERAL_PARAMETER table in a parameter named PARAMS_COUPLING and impacts all the TDM Business Entities (BEs). By default, this parameter is false. Set this parameter to true in order to use the parameters coupling mode.
Combo parameters are parameters with a limited number of possible values. The TDM portal displays a drop-down list of all possible values, enabling the user to select one of the values in the task. The maximum number of possible values for combo parameters is set in a shared Global named COMBO_MAX_COUNT.
Edit the COMBO_MAX_COUNT shared Global imported from the TDM Library, if needed. By default, the Global is populated with 100 and is checked when creating a TDM task using a parameters selection method. Suppose the number of possible values in the TDM Parameters tables is less than or equals to the COMBO_MAX_COUNT value. In that case, the parameter is handled as a combo parameter, and a list of all possible values for this parameter is displayed. If a value is not selected from the list, the parameter has more values than the threshold defined in COMBO_MAX_COUNT Global and you must enter the value in the parameter.
Note that if the COMBO_MAX_COUNT Global is updated after executing Extract tasks, it is required to repopulate the tdm_params_distinct_values TDM DB table:
Each mode requires its own implementation. Read the implementation guidelines for each mode:
Parameters Handling - Regular Mode