Navigating an LU Schema

When creating or editing a Logical Unit schema the following options are used to navigate, configure and display information:

  • Diagram Outline tab, a representation of the LU schema table’s list.
  • Navigation pane, an overview of the LU schema located in the right corner of the working area.
  • LU working area, where view options can be set.

Click for more information about the Diagram Outline and Toolbars.

How Do I Use the Diagram Outline?

The Diagram Outline displays an overview of the LU structure and can be used to search for a subset of tables included in the Schema.


To search for an LU table in an LU schema:

  1. Open the LU Schema window.
  2. Click the Diagram Outline tab in the right panel.
  3. In the Search field, type the name of the table or column and then click it in the displayed list. The table or column is highlighted with a green border.

What is the Navigation Pane?

The Navigation pane in the right corner of an LU schema is used to move between the different areas of a Schema. This is useful when looking at large Logical Units with many tables or hierarchy levels.


To hide the Navigation Pane use the context menu and uncheck the Show Overview Control. Studio lets you to reveal it back when needed via the context menu on the Working Area.

What are the LU Working Area View Options?

LU Tables relationship options:\ In the LU working area, right click an LU table object to display a context menu with the following actions:

set as: root 

Sets the table object as the root of this LU.

show only Predecessor nodes

Shows only objects and links that are predecessors of this object / field.

show only successor nodes

Shows only objects and links that are successors of this object / field.

show only connected nodes

Shows all objects and links connected to this object / field.

show all nodes

Shows all objects and links in this table.

clear input links

Clears all input links from objects in the Schema.

clear output links

Clears all output links from this LU table to its children Table Populations.

clear all links

Clears all input and output links in the LU tables.

show data

When clicked, a Query Builder window opens automatically in the newest LU file.

Click for more information about the Data Viewer.


For Example

Taking the CONTRACT table from the CUSTOMER LU as an example, the following illustrates key table relationship view options:

Show only predecessor nodes


Show only successor nodes image

Show only connected nodes image

Display Options

In the LU working area right click anywhere to display a context menu with the following actions:

Collapse All Views

Collapses the LU table columns.

Expand All Views

Expands the LU tables display.

show all nodes

Shows all objects and links in the LU Schema.

Automatic Layout

Arranges table items in an orderly manner.

Automatic Layout and Fit


Arranges table items in an orderly manner and adjusts the Table Population resolution to fit the screen.

Navigating an LU Schema

When creating or editing a Logical Unit schema the following options are used to navigate, configure and display information:

  • Diagram Outline tab, a representation of the LU schema table’s list.
  • Navigation pane, an overview of the LU schema located in the right corner of the working area.
  • LU working area, where view options can be set.

Click for more information about the Diagram Outline and Toolbars.

How Do I Use the Diagram Outline?

The Diagram Outline displays an overview of the LU structure and can be used to search for a subset of tables included in the Schema.


To search for an LU table in an LU schema:

  1. Open the LU Schema window.
  2. Click the Diagram Outline tab in the right panel.
  3. In the Search field, type the name of the table or column and then click it in the displayed list. The table or column is highlighted with a green border.

What is the Navigation Pane?

The Navigation pane in the right corner of an LU schema is used to move between the different areas of a Schema. This is useful when looking at large Logical Units with many tables or hierarchy levels.


To hide the Navigation Pane use the context menu and uncheck the Show Overview Control. Studio lets you to reveal it back when needed via the context menu on the Working Area.

What are the LU Working Area View Options?

LU Tables relationship options:\ In the LU working area, right click an LU table object to display a context menu with the following actions:

set as: root 

Sets the table object as the root of this LU.

show only Predecessor nodes

Shows only objects and links that are predecessors of this object / field.

show only successor nodes

Shows only objects and links that are successors of this object / field.

show only connected nodes

Shows all objects and links connected to this object / field.

show all nodes

Shows all objects and links in this table.

clear input links

Clears all input links from objects in the Schema.

clear output links

Clears all output links from this LU table to its children Table Populations.

clear all links

Clears all input and output links in the LU tables.

show data

When clicked, a Query Builder window opens automatically in the newest LU file.

Click for more information about the Data Viewer.


For Example

Taking the CONTRACT table from the CUSTOMER LU as an example, the following illustrates key table relationship view options:

Show only predecessor nodes


Show only successor nodes image

Show only connected nodes image

Display Options

In the LU working area right click anywhere to display a context menu with the following actions:

Collapse All Views

Collapses the LU table columns.

Expand All Views

Expands the LU tables display.

show all nodes

Shows all objects and links in the LU Schema.

Automatic Layout

Arranges table items in an orderly manner.

Automatic Layout and Fit


Arranges table items in an orderly manner and adjusts the Table Population resolution to fit the screen.