The SFTP interface type is used to define the connections between a secured FTP server (a remote server with an SSH connection) and a data stream.
When creating an Interface Listener for a Broadway flow, an SFTP interface is needed to detect new files added to the remote file system.
To create a new SFTP interface, do the following:
Go to Project Tree > Shared Objects, right click Interfaces, select New Interface and then select SFTP from the Interface Type dropdown menu to open the New Interface window.
Populate the connection's settings and click Save.
To create an Interface Listener Job that runs on an SFTP interface, do the following:
Create an interface using an SFTP interface type.
Click the Add interface listener as Broadway job link in the Interface window and select the Logical Unit from the list to open the Jobs window.
Create a Broadway flow either under Shared Objects or under the same Logical Unit. The flow reads data from a file using the predefined interface and populates it into the DB.
In the Jobs window, select the Broadway flow and Execution mode and then save the job.
The InterfaceListener actor enables the flow in which it is instantiated to listen to SFTP or File Systems interfaces and trigger another Broadway flow upon arrival of a new file on the interface.
To create an interface listener job from a broadway flow, choose the InterfaceListener actor from the Add Actors To Stage menu in Broadway.
Fill in the following parameters in the properties tab:
Note that both name and UID can either be chosen by the user, attributed automatically by Fabric, or parsed from a previous actor.
Affinity: this sets which node/DC name IP address is to be used to run the Broadway job.
Params: This refers to the arguments that can be parsed to the Broadway flow. For example, multiple parameters can be parsed as a key/value object from an external link or from a Constant or Javascript actor.
The SFTP interface type is used to define the connections between a secured FTP server (a remote server with an SSH connection) and a data stream.
When creating an Interface Listener for a Broadway flow, an SFTP interface is needed to detect new files added to the remote file system.
To create a new SFTP interface, do the following:
Go to Project Tree > Shared Objects, right click Interfaces, select New Interface and then select SFTP from the Interface Type dropdown menu to open the New Interface window.
Populate the connection's settings and click Save.
To create an Interface Listener Job that runs on an SFTP interface, do the following:
Create an interface using an SFTP interface type.
Click the Add interface listener as Broadway job link in the Interface window and select the Logical Unit from the list to open the Jobs window.
Create a Broadway flow either under Shared Objects or under the same Logical Unit. The flow reads data from a file using the predefined interface and populates it into the DB.
In the Jobs window, select the Broadway flow and Execution mode and then save the job.
The InterfaceListener actor enables the flow in which it is instantiated to listen to SFTP or File Systems interfaces and trigger another Broadway flow upon arrival of a new file on the interface.
To create an interface listener job from a broadway flow, choose the InterfaceListener actor from the Add Actors To Stage menu in Broadway.
Fill in the following parameters in the properties tab:
Note that both name and UID can either be chosen by the user, attributed automatically by Fabric, or parsed from a previous actor.
Affinity: this sets which node/DC name IP address is to be used to run the Broadway job.
Params: This refers to the arguments that can be parsed to the Broadway flow. For example, multiple parameters can be parsed as a key/value object from an external link or from a Constant or Javascript actor.