TDM DB - General Parameters

The TDM DB tdm_general_parameters table holds the name of each parameter (param_name) and its value (param_value). The following categories of parameters are populated in this table:

TDM Clean-Up Parameters

The clean-up parameters are automatically created in tdm_general_parameters by TDM DB creation scripts:

  • The cleanup_retention_period defines the number of months of the retention period of inactive records. The clean-up process deletes inactive records that are older than the retention period. The default period is set to 2 months.

LUI Separator Parameters

  • To create different LUIs per environment and data version, the TDM concatenates additional identifiers to each IID: environment name (for all tasks), and version identifier for Data Versioning tasks. By default, the LUI's parts are separated by an underscore. For example: ENV1_45773. However, if the source entity ID contains an underscore, another separator must be set on the LUI.

    • For example, to enable the TDM process to parse the LUI correctly and get the correct Customer ID, if the source Customer ID is 123_4, the LUI separator must not be an underscore.
  • The param_name of the LUI separator is iid_separator.

  • The param_value must be populated by the String set as a separator.

    Note that the iid_separator setting impacts all LUs in the project.


    Insert the following record to tdm_general_parameters to set the separator to @ :

  insert into tdm_general_parameters (param_name, param_value) values ('iid_separator', '@');

The LUI of Customer 123_4 and environment ENV1 is ENV1@123_4.

Reservation Period Parameter

An admin user of the environment's owner can reserve entities for an unlimited period. However, a tester user is limited and can only set a retention period that does not exceed the maximum retention period, defined in the TDM DB.

The maximum number of days for the entity reservation is set in the MAX_RESERVATION_DAYS_FOR_TESTER parameter.

TDM Portal General Parameters

  • The TDM Portal param_name is tdm_gui_params. The value of this parameter includes a list of the following parameters:

    • maxRetentionPeriod - maximum number days when setting a retention period on extract with data versioning tasks. Default value is 90 days.

    • retentionDefaultPeriod - default retention period on extract or extract and load tasks. The default value is Do Not Delete.

    • versioningRetentionPeriod and versioningRetentionPeriodForTesters - default retention period on extract data versioning tasks. Default value is 5 days ("unit":"Days","value":5).

    • maxReservationPeriod - maximum number of days for an entity reservation.

    • permissionGroups - list of the TDM permission groups. The following options are currently supported: admin,owner and tester.

    • enable_reserve_by_params - indicates whether the TDM portal enables the Parameters selection method on Reserve only tasks. If it is true, the TDM portal enables the Parameters selection method on reserve only tasks. The default is false.

    Run the following UPDATE statement on the TDM DB in order to enable the Parameters selection value for Reserve tasks:

       param_value = REPLACE(param_value,'"enable_reserve_by_params":False','"enable_reserve_by_params":true') 
    where param_name = 'tdm_gui_params'; 

    Note that it is required to run an Extract task on a large subset of entities and to populate the Extract from Environment with the Reserve task's testing environment. The Extract task needs to run prior to the Reserve task creation in order to populate the Parameters tables in the TDM DB for the testing environment.

    Click here for more information about the Parameters' TDM DB tables.

  • TDM_VERSION - is populated with the TDM version displayed in the TDM portal.


TDM DB - General Parameters

The TDM DB tdm_general_parameters table holds the name of each parameter (param_name) and its value (param_value). The following categories of parameters are populated in this table:

TDM Clean-Up Parameters

The clean-up parameters are automatically created in tdm_general_parameters by TDM DB creation scripts:

  • The cleanup_retention_period defines the number of months of the retention period of inactive records. The clean-up process deletes inactive records that are older than the retention period. The default period is set to 2 months.

LUI Separator Parameters

  • To create different LUIs per environment and data version, the TDM concatenates additional identifiers to each IID: environment name (for all tasks), and version identifier for Data Versioning tasks. By default, the LUI's parts are separated by an underscore. For example: ENV1_45773. However, if the source entity ID contains an underscore, another separator must be set on the LUI.

    • For example, to enable the TDM process to parse the LUI correctly and get the correct Customer ID, if the source Customer ID is 123_4, the LUI separator must not be an underscore.
  • The param_name of the LUI separator is iid_separator.

  • The param_value must be populated by the String set as a separator.

    Note that the iid_separator setting impacts all LUs in the project.


    Insert the following record to tdm_general_parameters to set the separator to @ :

  insert into tdm_general_parameters (param_name, param_value) values ('iid_separator', '@');

The LUI of Customer 123_4 and environment ENV1 is ENV1@123_4.

Reservation Period Parameter

An admin user of the environment's owner can reserve entities for an unlimited period. However, a tester user is limited and can only set a retention period that does not exceed the maximum retention period, defined in the TDM DB.

The maximum number of days for the entity reservation is set in the MAX_RESERVATION_DAYS_FOR_TESTER parameter.

TDM Portal General Parameters

  • The TDM Portal param_name is tdm_gui_params. The value of this parameter includes a list of the following parameters:

    • maxRetentionPeriod - maximum number days when setting a retention period on extract with data versioning tasks. Default value is 90 days.

    • retentionDefaultPeriod - default retention period on extract or extract and load tasks. The default value is Do Not Delete.

    • versioningRetentionPeriod and versioningRetentionPeriodForTesters - default retention period on extract data versioning tasks. Default value is 5 days ("unit":"Days","value":5).

    • maxReservationPeriod - maximum number of days for an entity reservation.

    • permissionGroups - list of the TDM permission groups. The following options are currently supported: admin,owner and tester.

    • enable_reserve_by_params - indicates whether the TDM portal enables the Parameters selection method on Reserve only tasks. If it is true, the TDM portal enables the Parameters selection method on reserve only tasks. The default is false.

    Run the following UPDATE statement on the TDM DB in order to enable the Parameters selection value for Reserve tasks:

       param_value = REPLACE(param_value,'"enable_reserve_by_params":False','"enable_reserve_by_params":true') 
    where param_name = 'tdm_gui_params'; 

    Note that it is required to run an Extract task on a large subset of entities and to populate the Extract from Environment with the Reserve task's testing environment. The Extract task needs to run prior to the Reserve task creation in order to populate the Parameters tables in the TDM DB for the testing environment.

    Click here for more information about the Parameters' TDM DB tables.

  • TDM_VERSION - is populated with the TDM version displayed in the TDM portal.
