TDM Database

TDM settings and TDM tasks are kept in a dedicated PostgreSQL DB. The TDM APIs and task execution processes connect to the TDM DB to get or update TDM settings or tasks.

The following table lists the TDM tables and their description.

Table Name Description Table Category


Mapping of Fabric roles to TDM permission groups (admin, owner or tester).

The relationship between Fabric roles and TDM permission groups is many-to-one.

Click for more about the TDM permission groups.

TDM Permission Groups (User Types)


Business Entities list. Business Entity


TDM relationships table. This table maps the source parent Entity ID to its source children Entity IDs per source environment. For example, Customer 1 has orders 56, 63 and 73 in the Production environment. This table is populated by a sync of the parent LU and is used to build the entities list of the children LUs during Load (copy) tasks.

Click for more information about tdm_lu_type_relation_eid table.

Business Entity


TDM relationship table for target IDs. This table maps the target parent Entity ID to its target children Entity IDs per target environment and is populated by a sync of the parent LU. The table is used to build the entities list of the children LUs for Delete and load entity or Delete entity without load tasks when the TDM task deletes parent entities and their related data from a target environment.

Click for more information about tdm_lu_type_rel_tar_eid.

Business Entity


Parameters table. Contains the list of all entities migrated into Fabric per LU. Each combination of an entity and a source environment has a specific record that holds the Entity ID (IID), source environment name and the list of parameters defined for the LU. For example, Customer Type. This table is created by a Fabric sync on each LU and is used to support a random selection and to select by parameters task selection methods.

Click for more information about parameters handling.

Business Entity


List of post-execution processes attached to each Business Entity. A post-execution process is executed at the end of the task execution process. For example, sending a mail to a user. Business Entity


  • Maps a list of LUs in each Business Entity.
  • Maps the relationship of the LUs in a Business Entity.
  • Maps the link of the combined Business Entity and LU to a system (product).

Click for more information about this table.

Business Entity/System


Products (applications) list. Systems


TDM source and target environments. Each record contains the environment name, environment type (source, target or both), and the environment name in Fabric. TDM Environments


List of environment owner users of each TDM environment. TDM Environments


List of products (applications) attached to each environment. The connection details of an environment's interfaces are defined and saved in Fabric. TDM Environments


List of roles and their permissions per TDM environment. TDM Environments


List of users attached to a role. TDM Environments


List of Global parameters set on an environment level. TDM Environments


Reserved Entities List. Reserved Entities


Tasks list. Task


List of Global parameters set on a task level. Task


List of Reference tables included in each TDM task. Task


List of LUs included in each TDM task. Task


The data generation parameters of Generate tasks. Task


TDM Execution detailed error table. Task Execution


Detailed list of entities and the execution status of each task's execution.

This table is used to generate the entity list of the children LU of a task execution.

This table is also copied and stored in the TDM LU to display the list of copied and failed entities and Reference tables of the task execution.

Task Execution


Holds the list of execution requests for each task's execution. A separate record is created for each LU and post-execution process.  Task Execution


List of execution parameters - like environments or Globals - to be overridden on a given task execution.

The list of the overridden parameters is concatenated into a JSON file and populated in the override_parameters column.


Task Execution


Summary information of each task's execution. A record is created for each task's execution. Task Execution


List of Reference tables to be processed by the execution of a given task. Task Execution


List of post-execution processes to be executed for each task's execution. Task Execution


Mapping of source and target sequences.

Click for more information about sequence implementation.

Task Execution


Detailed statistics of each task's execution. Task Execution Statistics


TDM activities log. A new record is created for each TDM activity, specifying its date, time, user, type (create or update), impacted TDM component and description. TDM Activities


TDM general parameters. General TDM Parameters


TDM Database

TDM settings and TDM tasks are kept in a dedicated PostgreSQL DB. The TDM APIs and task execution processes connect to the TDM DB to get or update TDM settings or tasks.

The following table lists the TDM tables and their description.

Table Name Description Table Category


Mapping of Fabric roles to TDM permission groups (admin, owner or tester).

The relationship between Fabric roles and TDM permission groups is many-to-one.

Click for more about the TDM permission groups.

TDM Permission Groups (User Types)


Business Entities list. Business Entity


TDM relationships table. This table maps the source parent Entity ID to its source children Entity IDs per source environment. For example, Customer 1 has orders 56, 63 and 73 in the Production environment. This table is populated by a sync of the parent LU and is used to build the entities list of the children LUs during Load (copy) tasks.

Click for more information about tdm_lu_type_relation_eid table.

Business Entity


TDM relationship table for target IDs. This table maps the target parent Entity ID to its target children Entity IDs per target environment and is populated by a sync of the parent LU. The table is used to build the entities list of the children LUs for Delete and load entity or Delete entity without load tasks when the TDM task deletes parent entities and their related data from a target environment.

Click for more information about tdm_lu_type_rel_tar_eid.

Business Entity


Parameters table. Contains the list of all entities migrated into Fabric per LU. Each combination of an entity and a source environment has a specific record that holds the Entity ID (IID), source environment name and the list of parameters defined for the LU. For example, Customer Type. This table is created by a Fabric sync on each LU and is used to support a random selection and to select by parameters task selection methods.

Click for more information about parameters handling.

Business Entity


List of post-execution processes attached to each Business Entity. A post-execution process is executed at the end of the task execution process. For example, sending a mail to a user. Business Entity


  • Maps a list of LUs in each Business Entity.
  • Maps the relationship of the LUs in a Business Entity.
  • Maps the link of the combined Business Entity and LU to a system (product).

Click for more information about this table.

Business Entity/System


Products (applications) list. Systems


TDM source and target environments. Each record contains the environment name, environment type (source, target or both), and the environment name in Fabric. TDM Environments


List of environment owner users of each TDM environment. TDM Environments


List of products (applications) attached to each environment. The connection details of an environment's interfaces are defined and saved in Fabric. TDM Environments


List of roles and their permissions per TDM environment. TDM Environments


List of users attached to a role. TDM Environments


List of Global parameters set on an environment level. TDM Environments


Reserved Entities List. Reserved Entities


Tasks list. Task


List of Global parameters set on a task level. Task


List of Reference tables included in each TDM task. Task


List of LUs included in each TDM task. Task


The data generation parameters of Generate tasks. Task


TDM Execution detailed error table. Task Execution


Detailed list of entities and the execution status of each task's execution.

This table is used to generate the entity list of the children LU of a task execution.

This table is also copied and stored in the TDM LU to display the list of copied and failed entities and Reference tables of the task execution.

Task Execution


Holds the list of execution requests for each task's execution. A separate record is created for each LU and post-execution process.  Task Execution


List of execution parameters - like environments or Globals - to be overridden on a given task execution.

The list of the overridden parameters is concatenated into a JSON file and populated in the override_parameters column.


Task Execution


Summary information of each task's execution. A record is created for each task's execution. Task Execution


List of Reference tables to be processed by the execution of a given task. Task Execution


List of post-execution processes to be executed for each task's execution. Task Execution


Mapping of source and target sequences.

Click for more information about sequence implementation.

Task Execution


Detailed statistics of each task's execution. Task Execution Statistics


TDM activities log. A new record is created for each TDM activity, specifying its date, time, user, type (create or update), impacted TDM component and description. TDM Activities


TDM general parameters. General TDM Parameters
