The TDM can create tasks that are executed in TDM environments. Each environment reflects a physical environment such as a production environment or a testing environment. In addition, the TDM has a dummy environment named Synthetic to support a generation of synthetic entities by TDM tasks. Each environment must be defined in the following TDM components:
Fabric - set the interfaces connection details and Globals values for each environment.
TDM Portal - set the following for each environment:
The TDM environments created in the TDM portal are saved in the TDM DB. Note that the Synthetic environment is automatically created in the TDM DB by the create/upgrade TDM DB scripts.
Click to read more about TDM environment setup in Fabric.
The Environments window displays a list of all environments defined in the TDM. Only Admin users can create, add or remove environment owners or delete an environment. Environment owners can edit their environment. Other users can open environments for view-only purposes.
The Environment window has the following sections:
Environment tabs, Permission Sets, Systems and Environment Variables
The following is an example of an Environment window:
The TDM can create tasks that are executed in TDM environments. Each environment reflects a physical environment such as a production environment or a testing environment. In addition, the TDM has a dummy environment named Synthetic to support a generation of synthetic entities by TDM tasks. Each environment must be defined in the following TDM components:
Fabric - set the interfaces connection details and Globals values for each environment.
TDM Portal - set the following for each environment:
The TDM environments created in the TDM portal are saved in the TDM DB. Note that the Synthetic environment is automatically created in the TDM DB by the create/upgrade TDM DB scripts.
Click to read more about TDM environment setup in Fabric.
The Environments window displays a list of all environments defined in the TDM. Only Admin users can create, add or remove environment owners or delete an environment. Environment owners can edit their environment. Other users can open environments for view-only purposes.
The Environment window has the following sections:
Environment tabs, Permission Sets, Systems and Environment Variables
The following is an example of an Environment window: