Breakpoints Panel

Fabric Studio provides an ability to view all active breakpoints.

Click image icon in the Server / Activity Logs area to open the Breakpoints panel which displays a list of breakpoints in the open Fabric files (currently only Broadway flows are supported). This breakpoints list includes the File name (for example, a Broadway flow name) and the ID where the breakpoint was set in a file (for example, the Stage name).

The panel is refreshed every 1 sec, but only when it is open and visible to the user. The yellow arrow sign on the panel indicates the breakpoint at which the flow has stopped.


Double-click on the breakpoint in the panel to bring the related file to the front.

Known limitation: if the breakpoints panel displays several flows with the same name that belong to different Logical Units, the double-click will open the first flow with such name that it finds (now necessarily the correct one).


Breakpoints Panel

Fabric Studio provides an ability to view all active breakpoints.

Click image icon in the Server / Activity Logs area to open the Breakpoints panel which displays a list of breakpoints in the open Fabric files (currently only Broadway flows are supported). This breakpoints list includes the File name (for example, a Broadway flow name) and the ID where the breakpoint was set in a file (for example, the Stage name).

The panel is refreshed every 1 sec, but only when it is open and visible to the user. The yellow arrow sign on the panel indicates the breakpoint at which the flow has stopped.


Double-click on the breakpoint in the panel to bring the related file to the front.

Known limitation: if the breakpoints panel displays several flows with the same name that belong to different Logical Units, the double-click will open the first flow with such name that it finds (now necessarily the correct one).
