Master Key Protection with KeyStore

Generate Master Key Without KeyStore

Set the MASTERKEY_KEY_STORE_ENABLED parameter of the config.ini file to false (default) to generate a master key without a KeyStore.

Generate Master Key Using KeyStore

Set the MASTERKEY_KEY_STORE_ENABLED parameter of the config.ini file to true.

Create KeyStore Directory

After adding the encryption module to the module, create the Keystore folder under the k2view home directory for all nodes:

cd $K2_HOME
mkdir .keystore

Run the keytool

Run the keytool command on the coordinator node:

keytool -genseckey -alias masterkey_key_name -keyalg aes -keysize 256 -storepass <password> -keystore  $K2_HOME/.keystore/fabric.keystore -storetype PKCS12
  • Copy the key to all other nodes:
scp $K2_HOME/.keystore/fabric.keystore fabric@$K2_HOME/.keystore/

Edit Config.ini Script

  • Edit the KEY_STORE_PASSWORD parameter in the config.ini to the password used in the Keytool command, and enable the KEY_STORE_LOCATION parameter and set it to point to the correct path for all Fabric nodes:
sed -i "s@#KEY_STORE_LOCATION=.*@KEY_STORE_LOCATION=$K2_HOME/.keystore/fabric.keystore@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
sed -i 's@#KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=.*@KEY_STORE_PASSWORD= <password>@' $K2_HOME/config/config.ini

Restart Fabric Nodes

  • Restart all Fabric nodes.


Master Key Protection with KeyStore

Generate Master Key Without KeyStore

Set the MASTERKEY_KEY_STORE_ENABLED parameter of the config.ini file to false (default) to generate a master key without a KeyStore.

Generate Master Key Using KeyStore

Set the MASTERKEY_KEY_STORE_ENABLED parameter of the config.ini file to true.

Create KeyStore Directory

After adding the encryption module to the module, create the Keystore folder under the k2view home directory for all nodes:

cd $K2_HOME
mkdir .keystore

Run the keytool

Run the keytool command on the coordinator node:

keytool -genseckey -alias masterkey_key_name -keyalg aes -keysize 256 -storepass <password> -keystore  $K2_HOME/.keystore/fabric.keystore -storetype PKCS12
  • Copy the key to all other nodes:
scp $K2_HOME/.keystore/fabric.keystore fabric@$K2_HOME/.keystore/

Edit Config.ini Script

  • Edit the KEY_STORE_PASSWORD parameter in the config.ini to the password used in the Keytool command, and enable the KEY_STORE_LOCATION parameter and set it to point to the correct path for all Fabric nodes:
sed -i "s@#KEY_STORE_LOCATION=.*@KEY_STORE_LOCATION=$K2_HOME/.keystore/fabric.keystore@" $K2_HOME/config/config.ini
sed -i 's@#KEY_STORE_PASSWORD=.*@KEY_STORE_PASSWORD= <password>@' $K2_HOME/config/config.ini

Restart Fabric Nodes

  • Restart all Fabric nodes.
