TDM Parameter Handling

The TDM enables the user to select entities based on predefined parameters when creating a task.

The list of available parameters is displayed on the task's BE (Business Entity). The list of parameters for each LU and the parameters' information - valid values of combo parameters, number of values, parameter type, and minimum and maximum values for numeric parameters - are kept in the tdm_params_distinct_values TDM DB table.

A BE can have either a flat or a hierarchical structure, and each LU has its own parameters list and its own LU parameters table in the TDM DB.

TDM 9.1 has added a new mode of parameter handling: parameters coupling. The regular parameters' mode supports isolated business parameters in a parameters search. However, per the newly added parameters coupling capability, multiple parameters can be taken into account and joined, for an optimized param search that leads to intersection finding. This is done based on the LU schema structure and the relations between the LU tables.

Examples of parameters coupling:

  • Search for business customers that have a product X and the product was purchased in 2024. The purchase date must be linked to the product type.
  • Search for customers that have a VIP billing subscriber and the total debt of the VIP subscriber does not exceed $100.

The parameters' mode is set in the TDM_GENERAL_PARAMETER table in a parameter named PARAMS_COUPLING, and it impacts all the TDM Business Entities (BEs). The default setting of this parameter is false. Set this parameter to true in order to use the parameters coupling mode.

TDM Parameter Handling - Regular Mode

The LU parameters table is created and populated in the TDM DB by the LUI sync. The naming convention of the parameters tables is <LU Name>_params.

The entity selection on a TDM task selects a subset of root entities, but the parameters for selection can be based on the child LU's parameters. Therefore, it is important to have the linkage between the root entity and the children entities when selecting entities based on parameters. Previous TDM versions created a MATERIALIZED VIEW in the TDM DB on each combination of BE and source environment to have the linkage between the root entity and the children entities. From TDM 8.1 onwards, each LU parameters table contains the following fields for connecting the entity id to its root entity:

  • root_lu_name
  • root_iid


  • Customer BE has 4 LUs:

    • 2 root LUs: Customer and Collection.
    • Customer LU has 2 children LUs:
    • Billing
    • Order
  • Customer #65 has the following children IDs in the Production environment:

    • Billing LU: #169, #170, #171, #172, and #173.
    • Order LU: #279, #280, #281, #282, #283, #284, and #285.
  • Syncing Customer ID #1 inserts the following record into CUSTOMER_PARAMS TDM DB table:

Customer 65 65 Production {"Maisie"} {"Berger"} {"719 764 1363","404 376 5891","(248) 143-7235","342-203-6253","+1 (929) 454-2178"} {"3"} {"2015-09-16 06:14:40","2016-01-13 04:27:36","2017-02-10 20:44:54"} {"5"}
  • Syncing Collection ID #1 inserts the following records into COLLECTION_PARAMS TDM DB table:

root_lu_name root_iid entity_id source_environment COLLECTION.COLLECTION_STATUS
Collection 65 65 Production {"5","4","3","1","2"}
  • Syncing Billing IDs #169, #170, #171, #172, and #173 inserts the following records into BILLING_PARAMS TDM DB table:

Customer 65 169 Production {"2"} {"Gold"} {"3789"} {"2"}
Customer 65 170 Production {"2"} {"Silver"} {"824"} {"1"}
Customer 65 171 Production {"0"} {"Gold"}   {"4"}
Customer 65 172 Production {"0"} {"Gold"}   {"3"}
Customer 65 173 Production {"1"} {"Platinum"} {"1898"} {"4"}
  • Syncing Order IDs #279, #280, #281, #282, #283, #284, and #285 inserts the following records into ORDER_PARAMS TDM DB table:

root_lu_name root_iid entity_id source_environment ORDERS.ORDER_TYPE ORDERS.ORDER_STATUS
Customer 65 279 Production {"Device"} {"New"}
Customer 65 280 Production {"Network"} {"Closed"}
Customer 65 281 Production {"Billing"} {"Closed"}
Customer 65 282 Production {"Billing"} {"New"}
Customer 65 283 Production {"Network"} {"Closed"}
Customer 65 284 Production {"Billing"} {"In Progress"}
Customer 65 285 Production {"Billing"} {"Closed"}
  • The tester selects entities based on the following parameters:

  • The following Select statement runs on the TDM DB to get the available entities:

    SELECT ROOT_IID FROM crm_params WHERE source_environment = 'Production' AND root_lu_name = ANY('Customer', 'Collection') AND 0 < ANY("CRM.NUM_OF_OPEN_CASES"::numeric[] ) INTERSECT SELECT ROOT_IID FROM billing_params WHERE source_environment = 'Production' AND root_lu_name = ANY('Customer', 'Collection') AND 'Gold' = ANY("BILLING.VIP_STATUS") INTERSECT SELECT ROOT_IID FROM order_params WHERE source_environment = 'Production' AND root_lu_name = ANY('Customer', 'Collection') AND 'New' = ANY("ORDER.ORDER_TYPE") ;

    TDM Parameter Handling - Parameters Coupling Mode

    Export the LU tables into the TDM DB

    The parameters coupling mode builds the SQL query for each task based on the selected parameters and the links between the LU schema tables.

    The TDM extract task execution uses the MDB export Fabric command to export the LU tables to the TDM DB. A dedicated schema is created for each LU. The LU tables are created with PKs and FKs in the PosgtreSQL schema. The FKs are created based on parent-child links in the LU. The following LU tables are exported into the TDM DB:

    • FABRIC_TDM_ROOT - the entire table is exported.

    • TDM_BE_IIDS - the entire table is exported. This table contains the BE ID, entity id (iid field) and the root entity id (root_iid field). It has been added for the parameters coupling mode and is needed in order to connect different LU schemas. The SQL query joins the TDM_BE_IIDS of the LU schemas based on the BE_ID and the ROOT_IID fields. This table has an accumulative population mode, i.e., if an LU exists in multiple BEs, it aggregates the current link of the root entity id to the previous syncs.

    • The LU tables in LuParamsMapping MTable - only the parameter fields and the linked fields to the parent or child LU tables are exported.

    • PK and FK fields are exported.

    • Example:

      • FABRIC_TDM_ROOT -> Customer -> Address

      • Customer is linked to FABRIC_TDM_ROOT via the customer_id.

      • Address is linked to Customer via the customer_id,

      • Address.state is mapped as a parameter.

      • All 3 tables are exported.

      • Customer table - the customer_id is exported.

      • Address table - the customer_id, address_id, and state fields are exported.

    Select the Entities Based on the Parameter

    The analysisCount API (called by the task window to calculate the number of matching entities) and the TDM execution process build the SQL query to run on the LU schemas in the TDM DB in order to select the task's entities.

    The generated SQL query for the parameters coupling is stored in the task_execution_list for tracking and analysis purpose.


    • Select from Production environment customers that are based in TX with more than 1 contract (no_of_contract > 1). The following SQL is generated:
      SELECT entity_id FROM 
      (SELECT 'Production'||'_'||entity_id AS entity_id 
          FROM (select distinct be1.root_iid as entity_id from Customer.tdm_be_iids be1 
          INNER JOIN Customer.fabric_tdm_root root1 ON be1.be_id = '1' AND root1.__iid = be1.__iid 
                and root1.source_env = 'Production' 
          INNER JOIN Customer.ADDRESS ON be1.__iid = Customer.ADDRESS.__iid 
          INNER JOIN Customer.CUST_TOTALS ON be1.__iid = Customer.CUST_TOTALS.__iid 
      where ( Customer.address.state = 'TX' AND 1 < Customer.cust_totals.no_of_contracts )) AS ALIAS0 LIMIT 15) AS ALIAS1;
    • Select from Production environment customers with:

      • Closed cases of Billing Issue type
      • The closed cases have a related activity with activity date > 2016-01-01
      • A VIP subscriber with more than one open invoice

      The following SQL is generated:

        SELECT entity_id FROM (SELECT 'Production'||'_'||entity_id AS entity_id FROM (select distinct be1.root_iid as entity_id from Customer.tdm_be_iids be1 
        INNER JOIN Customer.fabric_tdm_root root1 ON be1.be_id = '1' AND root1.__iid = be1.__iid and root1.source_env = 'Production' 
        INNER JOIN Billing.tdm_be_iids be2 ON be1.be_id = be2.be_id and be1.root_iid = be2.root_iid 
        INNER JOIN Billing.fabric_tdm_root root2 ON root2.__iid = be2.__iid and root2.source_env = 'Production' 
        INNER JOIN Customer.ACTIVITY ON be1.__iid = Customer.ACTIVITY.__iid 
        INNER JOIN Customer.CASES ON be1.__iid = Customer.CASES.__iid 
        INNER JOIN Billing.SUB_TOTALS ON be2.__iid = Billing.SUB_TOTALS.__iid 
        INNER JOIN Billing.SUBSCRIBER ON be2.__iid = Billing.SUBSCRIBER.__iid 
        where Customer.ACTIVITY.activity_id=Customer.CASES.activity_id 
        AND Billing.SUBSCRIBER.subscriber_id=Billing.SUB_TOTALS.subscriber_id 
        AND ( Customer.cases.case_type = 'Billing Issue' 
        AND Customer.cases.status = 'Closed' 
        AND '2016-01-01' <= Customer.activity.activity_date 
        AND Billing.subscriber.vip_status IN ('Gold', 'Platinum') 
        AND 1 < Billing.sub_totals.no_of_open_inv )) AS ALIAS0 LIMIT 12) AS ALIAS1;


TDM Parameter Handling

The TDM enables the user to select entities based on predefined parameters when creating a task.

The list of available parameters is displayed on the task's BE (Business Entity). The list of parameters for each LU and the parameters' information - valid values of combo parameters, number of values, parameter type, and minimum and maximum values for numeric parameters - are kept in the tdm_params_distinct_values TDM DB table.

A BE can have either a flat or a hierarchical structure, and each LU has its own parameters list and its own LU parameters table in the TDM DB.

TDM 9.1 has added a new mode of parameter handling: parameters coupling. The regular parameters' mode supports isolated business parameters in a parameters search. However, per the newly added parameters coupling capability, multiple parameters can be taken into account and joined, for an optimized param search that leads to intersection finding. This is done based on the LU schema structure and the relations between the LU tables.

Examples of parameters coupling:

  • Search for business customers that have a product X and the product was purchased in 2024. The purchase date must be linked to the product type.
  • Search for customers that have a VIP billing subscriber and the total debt of the VIP subscriber does not exceed $100.

The parameters' mode is set in the TDM_GENERAL_PARAMETER table in a parameter named PARAMS_COUPLING, and it impacts all the TDM Business Entities (BEs). The default setting of this parameter is false. Set this parameter to true in order to use the parameters coupling mode.

TDM Parameter Handling - Regular Mode

The LU parameters table is created and populated in the TDM DB by the LUI sync. The naming convention of the parameters tables is <LU Name>_params.

The entity selection on a TDM task selects a subset of root entities, but the parameters for selection can be based on the child LU's parameters. Therefore, it is important to have the linkage between the root entity and the children entities when selecting entities based on parameters. Previous TDM versions created a MATERIALIZED VIEW in the TDM DB on each combination of BE and source environment to have the linkage between the root entity and the children entities. From TDM 8.1 onwards, each LU parameters table contains the following fields for connecting the entity id to its root entity:

  • root_lu_name
  • root_iid


  • Customer BE has 4 LUs:

    • 2 root LUs: Customer and Collection.
    • Customer LU has 2 children LUs:
    • Billing
    • Order
  • Customer #65 has the following children IDs in the Production environment:

    • Billing LU: #169, #170, #171, #172, and #173.
    • Order LU: #279, #280, #281, #282, #283, #284, and #285.
  • Syncing Customer ID #1 inserts the following record into CUSTOMER_PARAMS TDM DB table:

Customer 65 65 Production {"Maisie"} {"Berger"} {"719 764 1363","404 376 5891","(248) 143-7235","342-203-6253","+1 (929) 454-2178"} {"3"} {"2015-09-16 06:14:40","2016-01-13 04:27:36","2017-02-10 20:44:54"} {"5"}
  • Syncing Collection ID #1 inserts the following records into COLLECTION_PARAMS TDM DB table:

root_lu_name root_iid entity_id source_environment COLLECTION.COLLECTION_STATUS
Collection 65 65 Production {"5","4","3","1","2"}
  • Syncing Billing IDs #169, #170, #171, #172, and #173 inserts the following records into BILLING_PARAMS TDM DB table:

Customer 65 169 Production {"2"} {"Gold"} {"3789"} {"2"}
Customer 65 170 Production {"2"} {"Silver"} {"824"} {"1"}
Customer 65 171 Production {"0"} {"Gold"}   {"4"}
Customer 65 172 Production {"0"} {"Gold"}   {"3"}
Customer 65 173 Production {"1"} {"Platinum"} {"1898"} {"4"}
  • Syncing Order IDs #279, #280, #281, #282, #283, #284, and #285 inserts the following records into ORDER_PARAMS TDM DB table:

root_lu_name root_iid entity_id source_environment ORDERS.ORDER_TYPE ORDERS.ORDER_STATUS
Customer 65 279 Production {"Device"} {"New"}
Customer 65 280 Production {"Network"} {"Closed"}
Customer 65 281 Production {"Billing"} {"Closed"}
Customer 65 282 Production {"Billing"} {"New"}
Customer 65 283 Production {"Network"} {"Closed"}
Customer 65 284 Production {"Billing"} {"In Progress"}
Customer 65 285 Production {"Billing"} {"Closed"}
  • The tester selects entities based on the following parameters:

  • The following Select statement runs on the TDM DB to get the available entities:

    SELECT ROOT_IID FROM crm_params WHERE source_environment = 'Production' AND root_lu_name = ANY('Customer', 'Collection') AND 0 < ANY("CRM.NUM_OF_OPEN_CASES"::numeric[] ) INTERSECT SELECT ROOT_IID FROM billing_params WHERE source_environment = 'Production' AND root_lu_name = ANY('Customer', 'Collection') AND 'Gold' = ANY("BILLING.VIP_STATUS") INTERSECT SELECT ROOT_IID FROM order_params WHERE source_environment = 'Production' AND root_lu_name = ANY('Customer', 'Collection') AND 'New' = ANY("ORDER.ORDER_TYPE") ;

    TDM Parameter Handling - Parameters Coupling Mode

    Export the LU tables into the TDM DB

    The parameters coupling mode builds the SQL query for each task based on the selected parameters and the links between the LU schema tables.

    The TDM extract task execution uses the MDB export Fabric command to export the LU tables to the TDM DB. A dedicated schema is created for each LU. The LU tables are created with PKs and FKs in the PosgtreSQL schema. The FKs are created based on parent-child links in the LU. The following LU tables are exported into the TDM DB:

    • FABRIC_TDM_ROOT - the entire table is exported.

    • TDM_BE_IIDS - the entire table is exported. This table contains the BE ID, entity id (iid field) and the root entity id (root_iid field). It has been added for the parameters coupling mode and is needed in order to connect different LU schemas. The SQL query joins the TDM_BE_IIDS of the LU schemas based on the BE_ID and the ROOT_IID fields. This table has an accumulative population mode, i.e., if an LU exists in multiple BEs, it aggregates the current link of the root entity id to the previous syncs.

    • The LU tables in LuParamsMapping MTable - only the parameter fields and the linked fields to the parent or child LU tables are exported.

    • PK and FK fields are exported.

    • Example:

      • FABRIC_TDM_ROOT -> Customer -> Address

      • Customer is linked to FABRIC_TDM_ROOT via the customer_id.

      • Address is linked to Customer via the customer_id,

      • Address.state is mapped as a parameter.

      • All 3 tables are exported.

      • Customer table - the customer_id is exported.

      • Address table - the customer_id, address_id, and state fields are exported.

    Select the Entities Based on the Parameter

    The analysisCount API (called by the task window to calculate the number of matching entities) and the TDM execution process build the SQL query to run on the LU schemas in the TDM DB in order to select the task's entities.

    The generated SQL query for the parameters coupling is stored in the task_execution_list for tracking and analysis purpose.


    • Select from Production environment customers that are based in TX with more than 1 contract (no_of_contract > 1). The following SQL is generated:
      SELECT entity_id FROM 
      (SELECT 'Production'||'_'||entity_id AS entity_id 
          FROM (select distinct be1.root_iid as entity_id from Customer.tdm_be_iids be1 
          INNER JOIN Customer.fabric_tdm_root root1 ON be1.be_id = '1' AND root1.__iid = be1.__iid 
                and root1.source_env = 'Production' 
          INNER JOIN Customer.ADDRESS ON be1.__iid = Customer.ADDRESS.__iid 
          INNER JOIN Customer.CUST_TOTALS ON be1.__iid = Customer.CUST_TOTALS.__iid 
      where ( Customer.address.state = 'TX' AND 1 < Customer.cust_totals.no_of_contracts )) AS ALIAS0 LIMIT 15) AS ALIAS1;
    • Select from Production environment customers with:

      • Closed cases of Billing Issue type
      • The closed cases have a related activity with activity date > 2016-01-01
      • A VIP subscriber with more than one open invoice

      The following SQL is generated:

        SELECT entity_id FROM (SELECT 'Production'||'_'||entity_id AS entity_id FROM (select distinct be1.root_iid as entity_id from Customer.tdm_be_iids be1 
        INNER JOIN Customer.fabric_tdm_root root1 ON be1.be_id = '1' AND root1.__iid = be1.__iid and root1.source_env = 'Production' 
        INNER JOIN Billing.tdm_be_iids be2 ON be1.be_id = be2.be_id and be1.root_iid = be2.root_iid 
        INNER JOIN Billing.fabric_tdm_root root2 ON root2.__iid = be2.__iid and root2.source_env = 'Production' 
        INNER JOIN Customer.ACTIVITY ON be1.__iid = Customer.ACTIVITY.__iid 
        INNER JOIN Customer.CASES ON be1.__iid = Customer.CASES.__iid 
        INNER JOIN Billing.SUB_TOTALS ON be2.__iid = Billing.SUB_TOTALS.__iid 
        INNER JOIN Billing.SUBSCRIBER ON be2.__iid = Billing.SUBSCRIBER.__iid 
        where Customer.ACTIVITY.activity_id=Customer.CASES.activity_id 
        AND Billing.SUBSCRIBER.subscriber_id=Billing.SUB_TOTALS.subscriber_id 
        AND ( Customer.cases.case_type = 'Billing Issue' 
        AND Customer.cases.status = 'Closed' 
        AND '2016-01-01' <= Customer.activity.activity_date 
        AND Billing.subscriber.vip_status IN ('Gold', 'Platinum') 
        AND 1 < Billing.sub_totals.no_of_open_inv )) AS ALIAS0 LIMIT 12) AS ALIAS1;
