Task - TDM DB Tables

TDM settings are saved in the TDM PostgreSQL DB.

TDM tasks update the following TDM DB tables:


This table holds all TDM tasks defined in the TDM GUI.

  • A new record is created for each task.

  • Each task record gets a unique task_id sequence which is the table's PK.

    Task General Information

    • task_title - the task name. To prevent creating several active tasks with the same name, the task_title column has a unique index when the status is Active.
    • task_type - Extract or Load.
    • be_id - the task's BE. The be_id can be linked to the product_logical_units TDM DB table.
    • number_of_entities_to_copy - populated by the Number of Entities setting of load tasks.
    • task_created_by, and task_last_updated_by - populated by the name of the user who creates the task.
    • task_creation_date and task_last_updated_date - populated by the task's creation datetime.

    Task Status

    • task_status: each task is created in Active task_status. Deleted tasks have an Inactive task_status and are not physically deleted from this table.
    • task_execution_status:
    • Active - the task can be executed.
    • onHold - [pause the task] and set it on-hold.
    • Inactive - deleted task.

    Requested Entities Columns

Task selection method



Entities List


Populated by the list of entities separated by a comma.


  • 1,2,3,4
  • 66

Parameters, with or without a random selection


Populated by the SQL where statement, generated by the selected parameters.


  • (( 'New York' = ANY("Customer.CITY") ))

Create Synthetic Entities


Populated by the cloned entity ID.


  • 7889


​ This column is used by the TDM task execution process to create the entities list of the root LUs on each task.

  • entity_exclusion_list - populated by the list of entities separated by a comma, if the task level exclusion list is set on load task.

    Data Flux Parameters

  • version_ind - populated by true in a Data Flux task.

  • selected_version_task_name, selected_version_datetime, and selected_version_task_exe_id - the selected entities when creating a load Data Flux task to reload a selected version of entities into the target environment.

  • selected_ref_version_task_name, selected_ref_version_datetime, and selected_ref_version_task_exe_id - the selected Reference's version when creating a Data Flux task to copy a selected version of Reference tables into the target environment.

    Environments Columns

    Source Environment

    • source_env_name

    • source_environment_id

    • fabric_environment_name

    Target Environment

    • environment_id

Task Execution Parameters

Scheduling Parameters

  • Scheduler - set based on the task's Execution Timing:
    • Execution by Request, populated by immediate.
    • Scheduled Execution, populated by a crontab based on the selected scheduling parameters of the task.
  • scheduling_end_date - populated by the End Date if set on scheduled tasks.

Extract Tasks - Retention Period

  • retention_period_type and retention_period_value.
  • Example:
    • Set the retention_period_type by Days and the retention_period_value by 5 to set a retention period of five days.

Load Tasks - Request Parameters

Task Operation Mode

The task operation mode is set based on the combination of load_entity and delete_before_load columns:

Operation Mode



Insert Entity without Delete



Delete and Load Entity



Delete Entity without Load



Other Parameters
  • replace_sequences
  • sync_mode -
    • If the task does not override the sync mode, this column remains empty.
    • If the task overrides the sync mode, populated by FORCE or OFF.


This table holds the LUs list of each task. A separate record is created for each LU.


This table holds a task's post execution processes. A new record is created for each post execution process.

This table holds the following columns:

  • task_id - a unique identifier of the task which links to the Tasks TDM DB table.
  • process_id - a unique identifier of the process which links tdm_be_post_exe_process TDM DB table.
  • execution_order - the execution_order of the post execution process as defined in the tdm_be_post_exe_process TDM DB table.


This table holds all Globals that are overridden by the task. A separate record is created for each Global.


This table holds a list of the task's Reference tables. A separate record is created for each Reference table.


Task - TDM DB Tables

TDM settings are saved in the TDM PostgreSQL DB.

TDM tasks update the following TDM DB tables:


This table holds all TDM tasks defined in the TDM GUI.

  • A new record is created for each task.

  • Each task record gets a unique task_id sequence which is the table's PK.

    Task General Information

    • task_title - the task name. To prevent creating several active tasks with the same name, the task_title column has a unique index when the status is Active.
    • task_type - Extract or Load.
    • be_id - the task's BE. The be_id can be linked to the product_logical_units TDM DB table.
    • number_of_entities_to_copy - populated by the Number of Entities setting of load tasks.
    • task_created_by, and task_last_updated_by - populated by the name of the user who creates the task.
    • task_creation_date and task_last_updated_date - populated by the task's creation datetime.

    Task Status

    • task_status: each task is created in Active task_status. Deleted tasks have an Inactive task_status and are not physically deleted from this table.
    • task_execution_status:
    • Active - the task can be executed.
    • onHold - [pause the task] and set it on-hold.
    • Inactive - deleted task.

    Requested Entities Columns

Task selection method



Entities List


Populated by the list of entities separated by a comma.


  • 1,2,3,4
  • 66

Parameters, with or without a random selection


Populated by the SQL where statement, generated by the selected parameters.


  • (( 'New York' = ANY("Customer.CITY") ))

Create Synthetic Entities


Populated by the cloned entity ID.


  • 7889


​ This column is used by the TDM task execution process to create the entities list of the root LUs on each task.

  • entity_exclusion_list - populated by the list of entities separated by a comma, if the task level exclusion list is set on load task.

    Data Flux Parameters

  • version_ind - populated by true in a Data Flux task.

  • selected_version_task_name, selected_version_datetime, and selected_version_task_exe_id - the selected entities when creating a load Data Flux task to reload a selected version of entities into the target environment.

  • selected_ref_version_task_name, selected_ref_version_datetime, and selected_ref_version_task_exe_id - the selected Reference's version when creating a Data Flux task to copy a selected version of Reference tables into the target environment.

    Environments Columns

    Source Environment

    • source_env_name

    • source_environment_id

    • fabric_environment_name

    Target Environment

    • environment_id

Task Execution Parameters

Scheduling Parameters

  • Scheduler - set based on the task's Execution Timing:
    • Execution by Request, populated by immediate.
    • Scheduled Execution, populated by a crontab based on the selected scheduling parameters of the task.
  • scheduling_end_date - populated by the End Date if set on scheduled tasks.

Extract Tasks - Retention Period

  • retention_period_type and retention_period_value.
  • Example:
    • Set the retention_period_type by Days and the retention_period_value by 5 to set a retention period of five days.

Load Tasks - Request Parameters

Task Operation Mode

The task operation mode is set based on the combination of load_entity and delete_before_load columns:

Operation Mode



Insert Entity without Delete



Delete and Load Entity



Delete Entity without Load



Other Parameters
  • replace_sequences
  • sync_mode -
    • If the task does not override the sync mode, this column remains empty.
    • If the task overrides the sync mode, populated by FORCE or OFF.


This table holds the LUs list of each task. A separate record is created for each LU.


This table holds a task's post execution processes. A new record is created for each post execution process.

This table holds the following columns:

  • task_id - a unique identifier of the task which links to the Tasks TDM DB table.
  • process_id - a unique identifier of the process which links tdm_be_post_exe_process TDM DB table.
  • execution_order - the execution_order of the post execution process as defined in the tdm_be_post_exe_process TDM DB table.


This table holds all Globals that are overridden by the task. A separate record is created for each Global.


This table holds a list of the task's Reference tables. A separate record is created for each Reference table.
