The Business Entities & referential data option enables to extract Business Entities from a source environment. This is the default option. It also enables the user to add selected tables to the Business Entities.
The following information needs to be set for the Entities & referential data option:
This is the task's BE. Select a BE from the drop-down list that contains all TDM BEs. The Advanced setting is optional and it enables either a partial selection of the systems or/and the LUs in the task, or overriding the task execution mode for the task. When clicking Advanced, a pop-up window opens:
This tab displays the selected BE's systems and LUs. Note that if the selected source environment does not contain all the BE's systems and LUs, the TDM portal automatically removes the LUs that are not included in the source environment and gives a warning to the user. You can remove a System or one of its LUs from the task.
This tab enables to change the task execution mode:
By default, the task execution mode is taken from the task's Business Entity (BE). However, you can set the task's execution mode to be independent to the BE's execution mode. The following options are available:
The Vertical execution mode can be beneficial when running TDM tasks on a large scale of entities as it ensures better cross-systems data consistency and data alignment.
Select one TDM environment from the drop-down list. The drop-down list displays the list of available source environments for the user. Only environments that contain systems with the select task's BE are displayed. If the source environment is defined as containing sensitive data in the Environment window, the TDM task window displays a message stating that the sensitive data is masked.
This setting defines whether the data needs to be extracted from the source environment or whether it can be retrieved from the Test Data Store (Fabric). The following options are available:
Available data from the Test data store, new data from [source environment name] - this is the default option. When selected, new entities will be synced from the source environment. Entities that are already stored in the Test Data Store will be taken from the Test Data Store, unless the sync policy - defined in the LU implementation - states that they need to be synced from the source environment.
All data from [source environment name] - always sync the data from the source environment.
Available [source environment name] data in the Test data store - get the data from the Test Data Store, if exists (extracted from the source environment by previous task executions).
Selected snapshot (version) - get a selected data snapshot (version) created in the Test Data Store by previous task executions.
Click here for more information about the task's data sync modes.
Check this checkbox to add related tables to the task's entities:
Note that the list of available tables must be defined in the TDM implementation.
The Business Entities & referential data option enables to extract Business Entities from a source environment. This is the default option. It also enables the user to add selected tables to the Business Entities.
The following information needs to be set for the Entities & referential data option:
This is the task's BE. Select a BE from the drop-down list that contains all TDM BEs. The Advanced setting is optional and it enables either a partial selection of the systems or/and the LUs in the task, or overriding the task execution mode for the task. When clicking Advanced, a pop-up window opens:
This tab displays the selected BE's systems and LUs. Note that if the selected source environment does not contain all the BE's systems and LUs, the TDM portal automatically removes the LUs that are not included in the source environment and gives a warning to the user. You can remove a System or one of its LUs from the task.
This tab enables to change the task execution mode:
By default, the task execution mode is taken from the task's Business Entity (BE). However, you can set the task's execution mode to be independent to the BE's execution mode. The following options are available:
The Vertical execution mode can be beneficial when running TDM tasks on a large scale of entities as it ensures better cross-systems data consistency and data alignment.
Select one TDM environment from the drop-down list. The drop-down list displays the list of available source environments for the user. Only environments that contain systems with the select task's BE are displayed. If the source environment is defined as containing sensitive data in the Environment window, the TDM task window displays a message stating that the sensitive data is masked.
This setting defines whether the data needs to be extracted from the source environment or whether it can be retrieved from the Test Data Store (Fabric). The following options are available:
Available data from the Test data store, new data from [source environment name] - this is the default option. When selected, new entities will be synced from the source environment. Entities that are already stored in the Test Data Store will be taken from the Test Data Store, unless the sync policy - defined in the LU implementation - states that they need to be synced from the source environment.
All data from [source environment name] - always sync the data from the source environment.
Available [source environment name] data in the Test data store - get the data from the Test Data Store, if exists (extracted from the source environment by previous task executions).
Selected snapshot (version) - get a selected data snapshot (version) created in the Test Data Store by previous task executions.
Click here for more information about the task's data sync modes.
Check this checkbox to add related tables to the task's entities:
Note that the list of available tables must be defined in the TDM implementation.