Synthetic Data Generation

K2view's TDM supports 2 methods of synthetic entities' generation:

  • Rule-based generation
  • AI-based generation

TDM enables, for each one of these methods, to either generate new entities or load pre-generated entities.

Generating Rule-based Entities

I. Open the Source form and populate it as follows:

  1. Select the Rule based generation option in the Source component.

  2. Select the Business Entity for the data generation.

  3. Select the Generate new data option.

  4. Set the Number of entities to generate.

  5. Optional - data generation parameters' setting.

    Click here for more information on how to set the rule-based generation attributes in the Source component.

II. Optional - populate the Target form and select a testing environment to load the generated entities to the target environment.

Generating AI-based Entities

The AI-based data generation is based on pre-created training models. A creation and execution of at least one AI training task on a Business Entities (BE) is a prerequisite for a creation AI-based data generation for that BE.

How to Create an AI Training Task?

  1. Open the Source form and select the Entities & referential data option.


    • Click the Advanced setting to select only one LU for the task, since AI-based training and generation tasks can run on one LU only.
    • You can select each one of the Policy for fetching data options, that is, the task can either extract the entities from the source environment or get pre-extracted entities from the Test Data Store.
  2. Open the Subset form and define the entity subset for the AI training process. For example, training the AI with customers based in NY.

  3. Open the Target form and select the AI training option.

How to Create an AI-based Generation Task

I. Open the Source form and populate it as follows:

  1. Select the AI based generation option in the Source component.

  2. Select the Business Entity for the data generation. Click the Advanced setting to select only one LU for the task, since AI-based training and generation tasks can run on one LU only.

  3. Select the Generate new data option.

  4. Set the Number of entities to generate .

  5. Select a Data generator (training model) for the AI-based generation.

    Click here for more information on how to set the AI-based generation attributes in the Source component.

II. Optional - populate the Target form and select a testing environment in order to load the generated entities to the target environment.

Loading Pre-generated Entities

  1. Open the Source form. Select either one of the following two options:

  2. Select the Use generated data in the Test data store option in the Source form.

  3. Define the Subset of entities. The following options are available:

  4. Populate the Target form and select a testing environment in order to load the generated entities to the target environment.


Synthetic Data Generation

K2view's TDM supports 2 methods of synthetic entities' generation:

  • Rule-based generation
  • AI-based generation

TDM enables, for each one of these methods, to either generate new entities or load pre-generated entities.

Generating Rule-based Entities

I. Open the Source form and populate it as follows:

  1. Select the Rule based generation option in the Source component.

  2. Select the Business Entity for the data generation.

  3. Select the Generate new data option.

  4. Set the Number of entities to generate.

  5. Optional - data generation parameters' setting.

    Click here for more information on how to set the rule-based generation attributes in the Source component.

II. Optional - populate the Target form and select a testing environment to load the generated entities to the target environment.

Generating AI-based Entities

The AI-based data generation is based on pre-created training models. A creation and execution of at least one AI training task on a Business Entities (BE) is a prerequisite for a creation AI-based data generation for that BE.

How to Create an AI Training Task?

  1. Open the Source form and select the Entities & referential data option.


    • Click the Advanced setting to select only one LU for the task, since AI-based training and generation tasks can run on one LU only.
    • You can select each one of the Policy for fetching data options, that is, the task can either extract the entities from the source environment or get pre-extracted entities from the Test Data Store.
  2. Open the Subset form and define the entity subset for the AI training process. For example, training the AI with customers based in NY.

  3. Open the Target form and select the AI training option.

How to Create an AI-based Generation Task

I. Open the Source form and populate it as follows:

  1. Select the AI based generation option in the Source component.

  2. Select the Business Entity for the data generation. Click the Advanced setting to select only one LU for the task, since AI-based training and generation tasks can run on one LU only.

  3. Select the Generate new data option.

  4. Set the Number of entities to generate .

  5. Select a Data generator (training model) for the AI-based generation.

    Click here for more information on how to set the AI-based generation attributes in the Source component.

II. Optional - populate the Target form and select a testing environment in order to load the generated entities to the target environment.

Loading Pre-generated Entities

  1. Open the Source form. Select either one of the following two options:

  2. Select the Use generated data in the Test data store option in the Source form.

  3. Define the Subset of entities. The following options are available:

  4. Populate the Target form and select a testing environment in order to load the generated entities to the target environment.
